@ MrsM - Thanks for your honesty!
@ All
Among the many things I learned at boarding school, here are a couple that I think are still fundamental to NTM thinking (however implicit) and roots to many problems (please correct me if these assumptions are inaccurate or unfair! Really.):
1 - Trust the leadership w/o question. If you question, you’re a rebel. “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft...”
2 - Reputation is more important than integrity, whatever the sacrifice.
I graduated an accomplished hypocrite with what I think could be described as a kind of ‘Christianized’ schizophrenia.
I am unlearning what I learned.
Because, reputation becomes an idol as soon as integrity has been sacrificed.
And, trying to control other people, whatever the means, in essence, is witchcraft.
Having integrity requires a relentless pursuit of the truth – unyielding loyalty to the Truth, whatever the cost.
Recovery from madness and hypocrisy: priceless.