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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:23 am 
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Joined: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:10 pm
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To state the obvious. . . New Tribes Mission knows which schools have had reports of abuse. They know when the abuse occurred, and they know when it came to light. They know the names of the perpetrators. They also know whether or not it was reported to the authorities in the land where the crime was committed, or in the passport country of the criminals.

Have they been "well advised" to continue hiding this information?

Why are victims and their families left to try to piece this information together on their own?

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:54 am 

Joined: Sat Sep 04, 2010 1:44 am
Posts: 266
thank you all for your input.

i agree with steadfast and ot and as i tossed and turned, unalbe to sleep well last night, i came to some conclusions myself.

1. i should not have posted even a 'snippet' of larry's email without his permission. so i am asking your collective pardons for doing so.

the other is that, if i could go back and not post it, i would respond to that email with only my voice, which is what it should have been in the first place since i didn't have permission to share it.

so, please forgive me as well for even posing the question in the first place. it seems almost audacious that i did so- not only from the viewpoint of 'sharing' it but from the viewpoint of asking all of you such a ludicrous question in the first place. of course larry knows how to contact mks as needed. of course he can get input as needed without me posting about it.

which goes back to steadfast's trust issue.

that's all i can type for now -- happy t-giving to you all.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:18 am 

Joined: Wed Sep 29, 2010 8:07 pm
Posts: 105
@ MrsM - Thanks for your honesty!

@ All :)

Among the many things I learned at boarding school, here are a couple that I think are still fundamental to NTM thinking (however implicit) and roots to many problems (please correct me if these assumptions are inaccurate or unfair! Really.):

1 - Trust the leadership w/o question. If you question, you’re a rebel. “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft...”

2 - Reputation is more important than integrity, whatever the sacrifice.

I graduated an accomplished hypocrite with what I think could be described as a kind of ‘Christianized’ schizophrenia.

I am unlearning what I learned.

Because, reputation becomes an idol as soon as integrity has been sacrificed.

And, trying to control other people, whatever the means, in essence, is witchcraft.

Having integrity requires a relentless pursuit of the truth – unyielding loyalty to the Truth, whatever the cost.

Recovery from madness and hypocrisy: priceless.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:24 am 
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Arara Azul: Priceless post! Refreshing, insightful, kind, accurate.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:55 am 
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Joined: Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:04 pm
Posts: 3724
Time for a buzz from over here.

Thank you for your soul searching, Mrs. M, and for re-thinking. The honesty on these threads is refreshing and rejuvenating. Would love to have a cup of tea with each one of you. Even the writing is a help.

I have learned a whole bunch right, making me think in a God-ward direction.

Instead of a repentance retreat (whatever on earth that could be) how about meeting somewhere in the world (Bali?) to aid our healing by discussion of where we might be on that path/ to shepherd one another by our hearts for each other/ time in the Word for those who would like/ some REAL hugs for those who are so inclined/ Etc. that anyone would suggest/ Emcee (Animador in Portuguese: OT Facilitators: Mrs. M and Publius, taking turns (those who keep us on track) / Bible person: Gene

No turkey here. Only one can of cranberry sauce that was shipped. One can of pumpkin, also shipped. No time to do anything with them yet. But, really, we wish you all a LOVELY DAY!

Mrs. M, I empathize with you regarding your broken finger. Really. But I must say that ot doesn't do it. :-) Any time you want to type it, I can hack in and make it all caps.

Kari, don't tell me I'm off track. It was too much fun. Won't do it again.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:58 am 
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......learned a whole bunch right *here* (No editing on the posts)

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:05 pm 

Joined: Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:36 am
Posts: 14
Quote from
The MKs need more than NTM's well-thought out (and honestly, sometimes not even well-thought out) updates, statements and lawyer speak. They need real voices, real bodies, and real contact. Regularly.

Qute from the Fanda report:
NTM--MK Communications
Many of the MKs and their parents are distrustful of NTM and are reluctant to speak with any particular NTM designee. Although this is understandable, there must be in place a channel for communication. Accordingly, we suggest that NTM immediately work with the Fanda MKs to designate one or two NTM members who will have exclusive authority to communicate with the MKs relating to any and all issues relating to Fanda. These selected members must satisfy education and training criteria related to child abuse as designated by GRACE and these selected members must have had no direct involvement with the sins related to Fanda.

@ MrsM
Would you and your husband be willing to become (fast-tracked) NTM'ers who satisfied GRACE's education and training criteria? Perhaps you could start by asking GRACE whether current NTM'ers are becoming educated and trained to potentially fill this void, and how long it would take?

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:56 pm 

Joined: Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:14 am
Posts: 118
I thank you for your tenacity and your involvement. I think we all agree here that we need you!

I’ve given lots of thought to this whole issue over the past months and as I’ve stated elsewhere we have history with NTM ourselves.

I truly believe that Larry Brown has a good heart and is committed to working this through. Someone said he is grieving voer all that happened. He is undoubtedly kind and a godly man. I have never met him.

I just think he and most of NTM missionaries, leaders, etc. have little if any experience with corporate business. They don’t know how to meet deadlines. They don’t have a clue to have a deliverable that must be met by such and such a date. I dare say, many would not be able to hold down a real job. Not that they aren’t committed nor hard working. They have spiritualized every decision. They know how to hold meetings. They are skilled at waiting for leader consensus. They need to know God is leading them in any decision. They love prayer meetings. They would never admit they are fearful. They have no clue how to respond with righteous anger – anger is viewed as sinful.

My biggest frustration is that it seems no one, including Larry Brown, is willing to let go of their authority and simply call in the experts and give up control. The incompetence is so evident to us waiting and waiting.

So, for us, the anger is not personal towards Larry. It is this horrific system that is the only thing they know. I, for one, am to the point of exasperation and just don’t see much reason for hope. If it wasn’t for some of you taking up the charge, I would probably once again just go away and give up.

MrsM – please keep on – you have his ear – I will support you! Ornery – please keep it up. Maybe , maybe, maybe???

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:20 pm 
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Joined: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:10 pm
Posts: 868
Interested: Are you in cahoots with Arara Azul? Between you two, we could just quit right here! The monitor can save herself some work by just sending those two posts to her handlers. You have both covered it all so well!

Very good post, excellent points and extra credit for giving Larry Brown the benefit of the doubt. As you said, this is not directed at him as a person.

Do not give up hope! Do not let them outlast you. Your insights and comments are valuable to others, and will make a difference.

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