I'm not even that good at talking about work related stuff, unless it is a small group who know very little about the subject I am a semi expert in and as this situation rarely occurs, I do very little public speaking.
On the other hand, if I'm asked to write something that will be read by many thousands, try and stop me
Maybe it is just a matter of sticking to what one is good at, or thinks one is good at
For those not familiar with the term "Anglican" I think the term "Epsicopalian" or "Church of England" might be more familiar. Generally a more traditional form of service (with quite a scope of variations, ranging from almost a Catholic type Mass to guitar and drums). It would until recently have been the predominant protestant denomination in Kiwiland, although the passing on of the older generation may well have tipped the balance in favour of the more charasmatic/pentecostal denominations. Rugby still remains the religon of choice for most Kiwis, closely followed by horse racing and beer consumption. The former and the latter seem to co exist happily.