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 Post subject: News Alerts
PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:47 am 

Joined: Sun Aug 29, 2010 11:56 pm
Posts: 165
News Alert #3 (prior alerts elsewhere in the forums)

When asked whether he was aware of any missionaries eligible to receive tax free donations through the website “NTM.org” who were also alleged child abusers, Bonny Jark Chemo (Development Representative – Missionary Training Center) responded, “I swear by the scars on these hands that I have no such second hand knowledge”. When asked whether he had any such first-hand knowledge, Mr. Chemo hesitated and put his hands in his pockets before responding, “Well, it depends on your definition of ‘missionary’.” When asked to respond with the assumption that every person eligible to receive tax free donations thru NTM.org was indeed a missionary, Mr. Chemo responded, “Well, I’m not sure why you would make that assumption, but I’ll go with it. But, the answer to your question would still depend on your definition of ‘child abuser’. I do know of many missionaries that used to hang objects of disciplinary implementation in prominent locations – for example, they often hung large boards on classroom walls with inscriptions such as ‘board of education’. However, I am not aware of any fellow missionaries that used such objects with excess force.” When asked if he had personally ever used such objects with excess force, Mr. Chemo responded, “No, I never used an object hanging on a wall with excess force.”

When asked how he got the scars on his hands, Mr. Chemo did not provide an immediate response. However, a mission spokesperson later provided the following as a likely cause, “Sometimes objects of disciplinary implementation fail. For example, if used with excess force, a particular board of education or like object may break in two – similar to how a baseball bat may break when it comes into contact with a baseball. When such breakage occurs during a disciplinary proceeding, but prior to the complete implementation of the disciplinary action, it is sometimes necessary to complete such disciplinary action with other readily available objects…for example, a hand or such. It is not uncommon for former missionaries who still collect tax-free donations thru NTM.org to have scars on their hands related to having to resort to secondary means of disciplinary infliction. They have often been victims of poor craftsmanship and naughty toddlers.”

According to the NTM spokesperson, after a life-time of service to NTM, many such former missionaries live in sunny locations such as Orlando, FL or Phoenix, AZ. “They have the best of both worlds. They can do what we all joke about internally as 'double-dipping'. For example, they can collect tax-free donations as missionaries even though they are not materially engaged in missionary work. They can also receive their own personal tax deductions for retirement travel and lodging under the guise of representing the mission in various capacities. They can also work full or part time as another source of income. For those of retirement age, they can also receive social security…unless they opted out.”

When asked whether that would, in fact, be triple dipping, or even quadruple dipping in certain cases, the spokesperson responded, “You are catching on. But, what is important is that, after a life-time of service to NTM in the remotest parts of Africa, Canada, Australia, England, or Missouri , these people be given the freedom, resources, and time to pursue various things that they have never before been able to pursue…forgiveness, for example.”

When asked if she had knowledge of what sorts of things Mr. Chemo is currently pursuing, the spokesperson stated that she did not know for sure, but that “judging from the number of broken ping pong paddles displayed at his home near Phoenix, AZ, he is likely aggressively pursuing the sport.”

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 Post subject: Re: News Alerts
PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:31 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:27 pm
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Again, impressive work!

Very newsworthy too!


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 Post subject: Re: News Alerts
PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:00 pm 
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Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:14 am
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I think Mr Chemo must be Australian and his work is known as Chemotherapy.

It is supposed to do you good, but makes you throw up, your hair fall out and is a bitter pill to swallow! :?

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 Post subject: Re: News Alerts
PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:56 am 

Joined: Thu May 19, 2011 11:22 am
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 Post subject: Re: News Alerts
PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 9:54 am 

Joined: Sun Sep 12, 2010 4:17 pm
Posts: 62
I am going to stick my neck on the chopping block here. I want to ask the question, How do you expect readers of these forums to take seriously the posts about such serious, life-changing, and yes, life threatening issues, such as sexual and physical abuse in NTM MK schools, when readers see such nonsense as I am reading on these forums? I understand, you are using poetic license to communicate a serious problem. But, in my not so humble opinion, you are damaging your case and cause. Think it over, PLEASE! Lead me to the guillotine.

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 Post subject: Re: News Alerts
PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:59 am 
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Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:14 am
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From what is communicated to me, we are getting it about right. This is the only site dealing with a christian organisations historic sex abuse record that has managed to keep going, others have just faded out. In the case of fandaeagles, the viewing numbers are growning rapidly.

My career has involved 30 years of watching people die in tragic circumstances far to often. I have often had feelings of sadness and these are times when riotous humour is not appropriate, but the next day is another day, another patient to look after and the ability to calm patients with a sense of humour is most valuable. To have it any other way would burn me out to quickly and render me unfit for the job I do. I also have under me a lot of junior staff, who time after time state that the shifts I run are the best they have and so do my patients, its all a matter of balance and perspective.

Of course occassionally a piece of comedy goes wrong, we're all human. Then it is a matter of apologising and learning the lesson. There are obvious no go areas, one doesn't make fun of victims and one keeps it relatively clean. There is the occassional person who has no sense of humour, that is in my book a sad way to be, but they are few and far between in my experience.

Humour is also a panacea for years of frustration, with a problem that should have been resolved much much sooner. If I only wrote seriously, I'd burn out, then what use would I be to myself and to others?

To every post written there is usually a reaction. Some people are prompted to reply in humour, some will debate the issue, some will cry and some will get angry. The point is it is a freedom of expression that allows a variety of emotions out. Heaven help us that we should get to the point of the Bain family and have the ultimate tragedy played out (an MK who was jailed for shooting 5 of his family members dead, it is a long story, worth a google, try "David Bain" in the search engine).

So my humble opinion differs, carry on I say. Cry when you need to, express anger as neccessary but don't loose the sense of humour.
As for the guillotine, it's in the small room two doors down on the left. It cannot be self operated and I for one respect your contribution and opinion to much to pull the lever. ;)

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 Post subject: Re: News Alerts
PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:09 am 
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Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:27 pm
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No guillotines here. Truly.

Some of us have lived here on these forums for a long, long time. I read here every day, and post almost every day. I have done this for several years now. I take all of this very, very seriously.

In these forums we have cried. We have raged. We have screamed. We have cried some more. We have fought and squabbled and made up and hugged it out.

We have also used satire and sarcasm and humor. This is just where we live. We are processing, learning, growing, changing.

We are changing ourselves. And we are changing the world. It might not be obvious, but we are.

I do understand that it might appear that we are sometimes flippant about serious matters. Truly, we are not. MK abuse issues are in the front of my brain and filling my heavy heart constantly. I call this my second job. I spend so much time here that my family and friends shake their heads at my unwavering commitment to this cause.

Please don't be offended. We do listen to you. We do cry with you. We DO believe that sexual abuse in NTM MK schools is serious, life-changing, and even life threatening. Our hearts are broken over this issue.

We are also struggling to hang onto our own sanity and equilibrium. Our emotions have been dragged through the gutter and yet we hang on for dear life, refusing to walk away, for week after week, month after month, year after year.

Sometimes we laugh. But trust me ... the tears are never, ever far away.

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 Post subject: Re: News Alerts
PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:35 am 
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Joined: Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:12 pm
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I'm not one to beat round the bush, without the wonderful laughs that get posted on this site I would be the sad, depressed, over burdened Divorced Sheila from beyond the black stump that I was before I found my outlet on this site.

There are posters on this site who have taken the time to help me through the painful journey that was my past. Much of it behind the scenes. They don't know me, they've never seen me and they don't even live in the same country, but they give their time day after day to help me and no doubt others come to terms with the horror of what happened.

NTM hasn't cared enough to even post an apology, attempt to find me and offer help, but total strangers who have no responsibility for what happened do care and I am going to stick my neck out and say, keep going guys.

There are some clever and articulate writers on this site, they have graciously accepted the opinion of someone who is obviously having a bad day. Personally I would have demonstrated the efficiency of that gullotine!

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 Post subject: Re: News Alerts
PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:25 pm 

Joined: Sun Aug 29, 2010 11:56 pm
Posts: 165
When asked whether or not Thai MK would continue posting news alerts on fandaeagles.com, Thai MK, a former NTM "missionary kid" did not provide an immediate response.

However, a spokesperson for the firm at which Thai MK currently works provided the following. "When Thai MK was 3 years old, Thai MK was beaten by a man outside the toddler room at boot camp. Thai MK had climbed up on the toddler room table and had jumped off the table against the commands of this man. For this infraction, this man pulled down Thai MK's pants and underwear and proceeded to beat Thai MK on the bare ass with a ping pong paddle. Apparently, Thai MKs ass was too hard for the ping pong paddle. As such, after many many whacks, the handle of the ping pong paddle became detached from the remainder of the ping pong paddle. However, the beating was not over. The man continued to "spank" Thai MK with his bare hand with an enourmous number of additional whacks."

When the spokesperson was asked whether Thai MK remembers the identity of this man, the spokeperson responded, "Thai MK was only 3 when Thai MK received such beating. As such, Thai MK's recollection of the man's name is likely not accurate. The name, Bonny Jark Chemo may sound an awful lot like a current missionary representitive who is eligible to receive tax free donations through NTM.org and who also attended boot camp during the same time frame as when Thai MK attended the same bootcamp. However, I would not put much stock in a 3 year old's memory."

When asked why Thai MK was inserting humor and satire into such serious matters, the spokeperson did not provide an immediate response. However, she did inform us that Thai MK would likely provide a written response later today - NTM time.

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 Post subject: Re: News Alerts
PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:29 pm 
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