From what is communicated to me, we are getting it about right. This is the only site dealing with a christian organisations historic sex abuse record that has managed to keep going, others have just faded out. In the case of fandaeagles, the viewing numbers are growning rapidly.
My career has involved 30 years of watching people die in tragic circumstances far to often. I have often had feelings of sadness and these are times when riotous humour is not appropriate, but the next day is another day, another patient to look after and the ability to calm patients with a sense of humour is most valuable. To have it any other way would burn me out to quickly and render me unfit for the job I do. I also have under me a lot of junior staff, who time after time state that the shifts I run are the best they have and so do my patients, its all a matter of balance and perspective.
Of course occassionally a piece of comedy goes wrong, we're all human. Then it is a matter of apologising and learning the lesson. There are obvious no go areas, one doesn't make fun of victims and one keeps it relatively clean. There is the occassional person who has no sense of humour, that is in my book a sad way to be, but they are few and far between in my experience.
Humour is also a panacea for years of frustration, with a problem that should have been resolved much much sooner. If I only wrote seriously, I'd burn out, then what use would I be to myself and to others?
To every post written there is usually a reaction. Some people are prompted to reply in humour, some will debate the issue, some will cry and some will get angry. The point is it is a freedom of expression that allows a variety of emotions out. Heaven help us that we should get to the point of the Bain family and have the ultimate tragedy played out (an MK who was jailed for shooting 5 of his family members dead, it is a long story, worth a google, try "David Bain" in the search engine).
So my humble opinion differs, carry on I say. Cry when you need to, express anger as neccessary but don't loose the sense of humour.
As for the guillotine, it's in the small room two doors down on the left. It cannot be self operated and I for one respect your contribution and opinion to much to pull the lever.