Above is a link to a humorous political blog that I follow. The recent "What's not to like" post had me thinking when I read this:
"Joe Walsh, you know the idiot congressman from Illinois, the Obama hatin’ TeaNutz® one? The one who owes over $110K in back child support? The one who failed to show up for a court hearing regarding same? The one who spent thousands of his own money on his election campaign, and bled “poverty” when it came to taking care of his kids? That one. Remember him?
Well, the Family Research Council has awarded him its “Pro-Family” award. For being “100% true-blue supporter of family, faith and freedom.”
I'm struck by the similarities to the powers that be (and were) at NT. Here's a guy who apparently spouts all the right stuff and gets awarded for what he spouts. No one cares to look deeper to see what he does.
Just like NT. The lip service or silence seems to be keeping the wolves at bay and meanwhile they do NOTHING. When did the Via investigation start? How many months ago? Where are the updates? Such as, how many have been contacted or when can we expect the final report?
Seriously, people. This timeline that I'm seeing makes me think that by the time they get to my school, I'll be dead. Also, from the rumblings that I pick up from fellow MK's, loads don't expect anything in their lifetime and are trying to move on. The moving on part is good, however, it's not moving on if you just scab over the cancer and leave it to fester.
I have a question for you legal minds out there. You know who you are!
What is the statute of limitations for covering up a crime? Assuming you can pick one? The longer the powers that be drag this out the closer they get to the end of the statute of limitations for covering up these crimes. Maybe this should have been posted under "collusion."
Let get the award for Best Protector of Children polished up for NT.