I appreciate your dialogue/essay, it was all telling. Where were the Berean Christians in any kind of leadership when this sordid sin was taking place? Most mission board/agencies are in crisis and yet the silence of the churches is deafening. They are more loyal to the mission board/agency then they are to the missionary. I really think, this is my opinion mind you, that no matter how bad or ugly these missions get, they will continue on almost as though nothing has happened. I am of the opinion that $ is the only thing that will stop all this secrecy, cover up, etc., etc., etc. Maybe the lawsuits that are taking place and those to come will make a difference in the missions actions and attitudes, I don't know, but something has to change and so far I have no assurance that this is going to happen. I hope these now adults pursue this until NTM's money runs out or they have to close down because of the sinful stench they have created. This is all wrong and I see no excuse for any of it, these leaders had the Word of God readily available to them, they didn't need all the now wording they have to protect children, they already had it. What were these sin sick so called missionaries doing on the field anyway? How dare these adults treat children with such disdain! How dare they even call themselves Christians. Don't get me wrong, I have no trouble with rules and regulations to run things decently and in order but sin has no part of doing things decently and in order. What really annoys me is when some say oh it is just about money, well funny that, because that is what I actually think NTM is all about, it is not about the money when they are receiving it but only when they are held accountable and have to release it. The missionaries responsible for these children were not going to be perfect but how could they do what they did to children. The dads and mums thought they were doing the right thing and felt they had no choice so how could other adults treat their children like that. It was horrible wrong and these so called missionaries are without excuse. Full stop.