I appreciate what you had to say, and I just wanted to thank you for whatever role you may play in the change that will (hopefully!) take place within NTM.
I think the first thing that needs to happen- for the "silent majority" is education! They (meaning every MK, every NTer, every current member) MUST read (in full) the G.R.A.C.E report. For me, it was like lightbulbs going off- to hear an outsiders perspective on why abuse happened, how the system actually allowed abuse to happen, and continue. Additionally, the definitions of abuse were very helpful. So many don't want to read the report because it is "hard to take, emotionally" or "it makes them uncomfortable." So be it. Uncomfortable and gut-wrenching as it is, it is REALITY, and the sooner we face it, the better!
I believe there are many who don't want to talk about, deal with, or otherwise face the ugly facts of abuse. There are likely many who don't even know about the Fanda report, being that many of the old-timers are not internet savvy, and the report was only available on the internet. I highly doubt NT took the time and money to print a hard copy for every member and mail it to them! (do the math 10 cents a page x 60 pages x #?missionaries x international postage= alot of money!)
Certainly, the vast majority have not found their way to the forums to read the other accounts of abuse in the other schools run by NT!
Couple that with the silence coming from any current NT member (including leadership) and we are ALL left wondering WHO is doing WHAT about all of this! It is natural to want to take it into our own hands, then, when it seems that THEY have dropped the ball. And yet, we would REALLY like to see someone step forward and claim full responsibility for the actions of the mission in covering up the known cases of abuse and in dealing with the cases that are just now surfacing!
So, maybe a petition is the way to go, or maybe we should each write a personal letter (no anonymity) to the leadership of the Mission, and state our demands/suggestions/wishes. Certainly, spreading awareness is important too. Spread the word to your MK and Missionary contacts on Facebook. Write letters requesting the support of your more admired and respected NT members. Ask your MK friends to share their stories with GRACE and file reports with NTM. Write NT and tell them you'd like to serve on an advisory panel for helping abused MKs.
Any other ideas?
Your input is appreciated. Let's work together!