So, highlander, as best as I can tell, you are the only MK still posting here.
Everyone else who has contacted me as an MK is a second-generation missionary, MKs who are also parents of MKs.
In other words, the only people still posting here are supporters of the missionary lifestyle. They may think it needs tweaked a bit here or there, but overall they are supporters of the doctrines that created the lifestyle and think it is a great way to live and serve Jesus.
So people who were crushed, rejected, destroyed by the doctrine of eternal damnation and all the guilt that loaded upon their young heads, won't find healing here. MKs who grew up hearing the call to moral perfection over and over, forcing them to hide their anger and pain from others, inwardly conscious that they never measured up to the standard of perfection won't find healing here. People who post here more or less like the system, but would change a bit of how it is administered.
It makes sense now, why ornerythorney and sherpadude are gone; why posts are few and far between and always sound so supportive of the missionary lifestyle.
I can't learn anything useful here.

Parents ran off the kids again!