I had a feeling that's what was going on.
Well I will take up for MKs and I won't back down for anyone. That includes you, Clark Kent.
I miss OT and Sherpa.
Things were too scary and unstable in my home life, being married to a PTSD, mysogynist-raised adult child of fundamentalism (MK and PK!) for me to post for a few months there, but now things are better. Secular counseling and a willingness to let go of fundamentalism on my husband's part is working wonders in his own recovery.
And on my part, going back to school to become self-supporting in case change was not forth-coming AND lasting, have also kept me busy.
But I am back, and I'm not backing down.
I put the world on notice, no NTM fundie apologist can shame me. I know the Lord. He is far greater than your religion, and any attempts on anyone's part to shame me will end in failure. It just won't stick to me. Unlike the MKs, I wasn't conditioned for years and years to take that sort of spiritual abuse.
My heart breaks for my husband when I hear of all the crap he has been through. I ache for him and the concept of God with which fundamentalists saddled him: a judgmental perfectionist who is easily upset emotionally and vindictive about it when it happens. How sad.
When I first heard my husband's parents were missionaries, I thought it would be so awesome to know people who also knew God! Surely their lives were also touched by the amazing love of Jesus, so much so they spent every day sharing that love with everyone. I assumed that having reached so many hearts with this love locally, they had spread out to other lands and cultures because they just could not contain the good news that God loved us all so much!!
Wrong. Boy was I ever wrong. Not even close.
The saddest thing of all is when people have been abandoned, manipulated and abused in the name of God, because then who can they turn to for healing? The God who decreed all this crap in the first place? Wt...?