Sometimes thick, sometimes thin, huh? I know how that feels

anyway, either way, I´m so glad to hear that from you. Your words reminded me of two things-
one - has anyone seen Nacho Libre - a completely hilarious, stupid, rather perfect movie (however, I do not reccomend it - I NEVER reccomend movies - did that once, never do it again) that sets my very non giggly style 110 kg (or so he SAYS) brother-in-law into giggly spasms - I think it has a song called religious man - I just remember it says something about "I am that I am" - just goofy
two - A song that is much more worth spending your time listening to - a good reminder - JJ. Heller´s
True Things -
I am … who I am
I am who I am
There are true things inside of me
I have been afraid to see
I believe, help my unbelief
Would you say again what you said to me
I am loved and I am free
I believe, help my unbelief
I’m not my scars and my history
To your love I’m waking up
In your love I’m waking up
internet has gotten snail´s breathtakingly slow around here, so I think I´m going to be signing off for now - it´s been so good to be here today