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 Post subject: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:13 am 
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Joined: Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:03 am
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I just wanted to say here, that you have other choices besides waiting for your school to be "investigated". You don't have to wait.

Posting for Fanda Eagles website:

Our law firm is currently investigating multiple civil cases against NTM for the sexual abuse of MKs at various locations worldwide. We would like to speak with anyone who has information about the sexual abuse of children in the NTM organization.

Our attorneys devote 100% of their practices to representing victims of sexual abuse and exploitation. We understand how difficult it can be to discuss painful memories of childhood, particularly the sexual abuse of innocent children violated by the very people they should have been able to trust. Any information you are able to share with us would be most appreciated by our very courageous clients who now seek to heal themselves and to protect other children from sexual predators now roaming free.

If you would be willing to share your information with us, please feel free to contact our Senior Partner, Jeff Herman, by whatever method is most comfortable for you. He can be reached by email at jherman@hermanlaw.com, or by phone at (305) 931-2200/(800) 686-9921 toll free.

Thank you to you all for your courage in breaking the silence and vanquishing the shame surrounding child sexual abuse.

I will add here:
Herman, Mermelstein & Horowitz, P.A.
18205 Biscayne Blvd.
Suite 2218
Miami, FL 33160
(305) 931-2200

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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:23 am 
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Joined: Sat Jun 12, 2010 8:03 am
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I think that the healing comes from being vindicated by a court of law. And from bringing some form of justice against the perpetrators of your abuse.
An attorney can't heal you, of course not. But having these evil people found guilty in a court of law, and seeing them suffer some kind of consequence would be an amazing thing for many victims. More amazing would be to have the perpetrators names put onto the Registered Sex Offenders list. And there we have "protecting others".
I have spoken with Jeffery several times over the phone, and he is quite positive that many of the NTM mk's have a case. These kinds of cases are all he does. He has brought countless charges against the Catholic church, and had great success with them, even though most of them involve abuse that happened many years ago.

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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:07 pm 
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Your words are interesting to me, Sherpa Dude. I spent my entire childhood hearing the "Word" used as a weapon to keep me in silence, unquestioning of authority, and in constant fear.
Your post carries too many echos of that. It's scary, to be perfectly honest.
NTM and the many individual pedophiles are not my "brothers". Are they yours?
How do you define "vengeance kick"? How is peacefully seeking justice for horrible atrocities considered vengeance or bitterness?
The bible is also quite clear about what should happen to people who abuse and hurt little children. It is very clear about the evils of "false prophets" and people who hide in the darkness. My bible is, at any rate.
I have already chosen who I serve. I serve the God of Truth. The God who weeps at the sight of a mission covering up abuse after abuse after abuse, in His name. I serve a God of justice.

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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:11 pm 

Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:01 pm
Posts: 17
Sherpa Dude you have to choose between "what's right for me" and you citing Scripture in judgment of those you don't follow that same path. You came in here sputtering about lawyers and suing fellow Christians and have (correctly) backed off that position. But you're right. If that whole path isn't for you, so be it. Just back off of people that don't feel the same way.

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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:28 pm 
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I don't think Sherpa is saying everyone has to agree with his opinion. He's just giving his opinion. I thought we were welcome to give our opinions on here, to present another side.

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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:29 pm 

Joined: Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:48 pm
Posts: 3
SherpaDude - something specific you said isn't sitting right with me:

"Does healing and protecting other children have a payoff? I can't see any lawyer healing me...no thanks."

I really honestly hope you aren't suggesting that taking the legal route to remove predators from their positions, where they are able to continue abusing children, isn't appropriate. A ruling from a judge would cause the perpetrator to be added to a sexual registry. The "payoff" for the victim isn't necessarily monetary, its knowing that you have done something to help prevent another child from being hurt by that person. In regards to the monetary aspect of a civil lawsuit, whether you accept it or not, the result of the crime has involved YEARS of therapy - that therapy isn't free. Would you take the same stance if this was a robbery and someone stole your life savings? Would you say "God will provide." These children had thier LIVES stolen. Have you thought that maybe, just maybe all lawyers aren't the spawn of satan and that it is possible for God to provide through a lawyer?

I have not seen anyone assert that money will heal them. What I have seen are a lot of very hurt people, who were taught that scripture is a weapon, but somehow still clung to God and trusted that He was good. I think it's clear that God HAS healed them in many ways, and will continue to heal them as they seek Him in how they move forward.

I'm also concerned by something else I read that you wrote:
"The word is clear cut on taking Christians to court..you have free will to do what you want but you can't serve God and money...if you go against what God commands...good luck seeking His help when you need it."

Is it your understanding that God's love is changing? That if you call on Him, regardless of what you have done, that He will not be there for you? That He will abandon you? That is not scriptural. My God as I understand Him is full of grace and mercy and will forever seek to be in communion with me - no matter what I do. This isn't to say that I can sit in sin, knowing I am doing so, but it means that nothing will ever separate me from the love of God. I don't think anyone is on a "vengence" kick. I think that the Lord God calls us QUITE clearly to protect children - those already grown, and those still little and unable to keep themselves safe. If the people who participated in this evil are still ministering to others, including children, then that is a problem. If the organizations are allowing those who participated in evil to still remain and work without owning up to their crime, then that is a problem. The Bible clearly says woe to those who cause a child to stumble, and tells them to cut off whatever it is thats causing them to - has that happened at all? God clearly gives mortal punishment for those who sin against children.

The Bible tells us in Matthew 18:15-17 that we should first go to the person, then to the person with a witness, then take the matter to church leadershiph. It goes on to say that if they continue to act like an unbeliever, then you can take them to court.

Paul did come out strong against taking Christian brothers to court (I don't know if I would consider an unrepentant person who isn't in line with God or Jesus's teachings my Christian Brother...), but he himself relied on the legal system.

I'm not intending to be rude, or difficult, just as you I am stating my belief and my view of the situation. I felt as if there was a great deal of judgment coming from your responses and felt compelled to share how I saw it.

~ Amanda

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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:39 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:36 pm 
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Joined: Sat Sep 11, 2010 12:40 pm
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While I can see that some might want to pursue legal means to resolve some of these issues, I think that the only recourse for most of the cases that have been presented here is civil. And collecting any actual judgments from that may be very difficult, if not impossible.

As for protecting children, I think the adverse publicity from this website and forum has much more impact than any lawsuit. I don't believe that a civil case could result in any predators being listed as sex offenders.

That being said, I might support a civil case against some of the parties involved in order to bring about enforceable changes.

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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:08 pm 

Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:01 pm
Posts: 17
What some may not understand is how things work, at least in the United States. And that is, that unfortunately today the conversation goes: don't like it? sue. It's the only language anyone understands anymore.

Why do pharma commercials spend more time on potential side effects than possible benefits? Why do you have a waiver on the back of your baseball ticket? This is just where the world is today. So that's how we have to roll.

Oh, and let's not have any of that weak-sauce "SD was just giving his opinion" up in here. Seriously, dude cited Scripture for why suing these clowns would be against Scripture and would get us out of God's will and favor. That's not an opinion. Those are fighting words. And they will be treated as such, even though SD may come back later all, "i mean, i mean, that's just for me." Your mileage may vary. No way, dude. Not happening.

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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 3:34 pm 
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Joined: Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:28 pm
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I'm not against going to court and I passed on Bonnie's info about the lawyer to another MK friend who needed it (was looking for a lawyer), who doesn't read this website. If I knew it would help my friends heal, especially my siblings, I would support going to court for them. The issue isn't money, but bringing the evil that was done to light and preventing it from happening again. But, I also like to read what others think and read their interpretation of scripture on the issue. Other opinions come across just as strong as those who are using scripture to back up their views.

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