Well, Mrs. M, it looks like you've struck gold on this one! I am 100% in agreement with your sentiments - the endless meetings to determine when another meeting should be held to talk about what can be done to talk about how much NTM is concerned about all of this. It looks, to an outsider, like foot dragging. And, foot dragging is a proven strategy in these sorts of situations. Proven to work for the offender, I mean. NTM needs to take action now, not talk about taking action some time in the future. Another MK is also on target when s/he points out that there are probably very few people in NTM who could handle an investigation of this sort. I am not even sure about the handful of people who s/he thinks are qualified. They sure don't have much to show for it. But, even if we grant that they are up to the task, they are disqualified by virtue of working for/ in/ with NTM. It is foolish to trust them to be able to overcome the inherent conflicts of interest that entails, a task that others as good as they have failed at. Realistically, pulling missionaries out of the tribes to work on the investigation would not speed it up. Missionaries have numerous talents, but carrying out competent investigations is not a very widespread one. Witch hunts are a different matter, but no one is advocating that.
Still, a great deal can, and should, be done immediately. It does not take competent investigators, only honest people. As Another MK says, a lot of file sorting has already been done. Well, send that information to GRACE and any victim who requests it. Public and private requests for this sort of information have been ignored by NTM. Why? Not because they are seriously interested in helping the victims. Rather, it has just the outside look of protecting reputations, to borrow some of Sir Ornery of Thornery's words.
How about putting some statistics out on the web, NTM? How many cases of child abuse have there been in the schools over the last twenty years? Right up to the present. None of this "most of these cases were . . . " blah blah blah. NTM keeps records on everything - how many tribal missionaries, how many teachers, translations, pilots, everything! List these cases by field and type, and tell us what was done in each case. Oh, never mind that last one; we already know: Nothing.
Getting late on this side of the globe Mrs. M! My turn to quit. . .