Hi Jerry and Sherpa-
Thanks so much for your words of encouragement, and your prayers and support. I know you all know how much that means! And I appreciate it so much. Who knew when I decided to "join the cause" here and just wanted to show support for the little MKs I taught in Via on year, that I myself would be in a situation like this, dealing with these very same issues and finding support and encouragement and a bond here that isn't replicated anywhere else. Who knew? Well, God did, of course.
I had all my other posts re: my daughter (well, most of them) deleted for privacy's sake, and in those, I had discussed quite a bit what we decided regarding our family involvement, reporting it, etc. I will be kind of basic and vague here, but I wanted to let you know what is going on since you are encouraging me.
We did report this, but the detective basically said, as crass as it sounds, that my daughter didn't scream or protest enough. Sickening, isn't it? Also, we've consulted several other people through agencies that deal with these situations, and the consensus seems to be that since it was several years ago and the perps were minors, it would probably not amount to anything as far as criminal charges sticking, punishment, etc- which would be extremely devastating for my daughter. So, at this point, we are waiting. If she feels stronger in the future and wants to pursue this, we will re-open our file with the state police.
We actually cut off private contact with the one perp a few years ago, due to some other disturbing things we were seeing, and talked with her father as well (my brother). These things were not "reportable" as far as to the police, but were extremely wrong and disturbing, so we told my brother there was to be no more contact -phone, visits, etc- unless we were there to supervise. So, we don't really see these people. And I stayed at home for the in-law's Christmas thing with my daughter, because she did not want to see her abuser (another cousin, also a minor at the time- several years ago) and my husband stayed at home with her for my Christmas thing. So... we have allowed her to decide and supported her. But in daily life, as a rule, we aren't spending time with these people and neither is she.
She is currently staying with my sister, who is very loving, kind, supportive and willing to give my daughter the guidance she needs. She is being very cooperative, taking her meds, doing her schoolwork, exercising and getting out of the house, so we feel it's a good situation for right now. She wants to be there, so it's not that we kicked her out or anything. So for now, we feel that is contributing to her (and us) getting some stabilization while we work out therapies, etc, and gives us some breathing room without all the emotional drama on both sides. I don't know what the Lord wants for us in the long-term regarding that. I am praying about it. It is a difficult decision. My daughter really needs to get away from home for a while, I believe. Get away from her pesky little brothers and just stabilize and kind of relax and hopefully begin her healing. But of course, I feel torn. So, we shall see. I know that for right now, it's what is best. Maybe next week that will change, but I trust the Lord will show me that completely then.
It's just sickening to me that since it's a "minor vs minor" thing, there seems to be so little in place as to what can be done. But at this point, I'm not willing to take on the whole system, either.
Thanks again for your concerns and support! I might have this deleted soon, but for now, here's what's going on.