I have been mulling over this post from Kari for several days:
"It is also my understanding that GRACE will not be the investigating party for other schools. As someone who was initially skeptical but has come to trust GRACE implicitly, I cannot conceive of a more appropriate investigator. I'm sorry that NTM and other missions do not seem to value the work of GRACE, and probably will never understand the number of lawsuits that were prevented by hiring this team. As I understand it, not one lawsuit from a Fanda MK has been filed as of date. The GRACE report is a living work of art and has been instrumental in starting so many of us on our path to healing. That the GRACE team who serves and loves Christ has validated the extreme spiritual abuse I and you all suffered is something to marvel at."
It pains me to say this, but I suspect that the main reason NTM might be backing off from associating with GRACE in investigating abuse in other schools lies in Kari's last sentence: That the GRACE team who serves and loves Christ has validated the extreme spiritual abuse I and you all suffered is something to marvel at.
I believe there are many good people within NTM who will bravely plow into an in-depth investigation of the abuse of a child, physically or sexually. Most NTMers are themselves parents; parents who love their children with all their hearts, and they would not consciously condone the physical or sexual abuse of their child or anyone else's.
But bring up the subject of spiritual abuse and the courage quickly fades. The possibility that spiritual abuse might be a widespread practice within NTM is more terrifying than ferreting out pedophiles.
I haven't read any of the books on spiritual abuse mentioned in these forums. But five seconds on Google led me to this page: http://www.christiancounselling.on.ca/articles_spiritual_abuse_definition_signs_&_components.htm . Even a quick perusal of the definition of spiritual abuse had me nodding my head. Yes, yes, yes. I spent almost 50 years in NTM, and yes, yes, yes. I experienced all of this. I participated in all of this. I am not without guilt. I am not without shame.
If there is anything we should be repenting of, in sackcloth and ashes, wailing and weeping tears of remorse, even more so than the fact that we allowed the abuse of innocent children to go on right under our super-spiritual noses, it is that we all were so enmeshed in this spiritually abusive cloister that we did not comprehend what an unhealthy environment we were all enabling. Like the squatters who live in the lethal filth of smog and sewage in the slums of Manila, giving birth to babies who breathe in that carcinogenic atmosphere from the day they're born, we all went about our business in that toxic environment and never comprehended how we were viewed by others outside of our safe and happy little family. Others who were true Christ followers who looked at us and shook their heads in amazement over our blissful ignorance.
This is why NTM will never submit to a board of "outsiders" questioning their methods and decisions.
And I suspect that this is why NTM is uncomfortable about showing their dirty linen to GRACE. Because in addition to uncovering horrible child abuse, they have also uncovered pervasive use of "spirituality" to control others, force conformity, and stifle dissent.
It pains me greatly to write this, because my love for many in NTM is very deep and very genuine. Some of them will read this post. I pray they will understand that I am speaking from a heart of love, seeking to shine a light of truth.
Dear God, please open our eyes, and break our hearts.