are a blessing! We are all wondering what is going on inside there (I'm an outsider). Thank you for your sensitivity and common sense! I had no idea, as ornerythornery mentioned, that NTM considers themselves a church. They are not a church. Your local church is what sent you out. ANY organization can go "bad." That's why we, as God's children need to have DISCERNMENT and follow the Holy Spirit, no matter what organization we are a part of. It takes a lot of guts to "buck the system" and do what is right before the Lord. I grew up in NTM thinking it was "God's answer" to reach the tribes with the Gospel and if you went any other direction you were somehow second class. Hellooo......God has certainly used them in a WONDERFUL way! But NO organization is indispensible to God if they get off track....Blessings to you