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PostPosted: Thu Oct 14, 2010 6:10 am 

Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:28 pm
Posts: 7
I am an MK from Brazil. I was never sent to a boarding school and neither were my parents. My mother was raised in a tribe and studied under the tutelage of her parents. My father's parents were teachers at the boarding school, so you could say my father was not "boarding schooled". Both my parents took the initiative to continue homeschooling right in the tribal ministry.
I can vouch for all that is said regarding children feeling they are a burden to the ministry in a boarding school environment, yet, I am coming from another angle. It always struck me as strange that parents had time to spend with the tribal people and their children teaching them about Jesus, but their own children had to be sent off and away to let their parents "do ministry".

Throughout the years, my father, a very practical man, suggested that, instead of investing so heavily in infrastructure, the enlisting of large numbers of teachers, and, especially separating the children from their parents, there could be another system. The parents could have their children with them at the tribe, learning about the ministry, learning their regular schooling, and the missionaries could organize in conjunction with the mission organization a small group of itinerant teachers who would make the rounds helping the parents organize and plan the tutelage of their children. Of course, this idea was considered unthinkable.

One of the issues we always heard about sending us to an NTM boarding school was that my siblings and I would become (here comes the horrible term) "social misfits". The same term was used against my grandparents, my mother and her siblings. Funny thing though, they are all able to socialize in at least three different cultures. So, I have always asked myself which social standard is best. Being able to socialize in at least three different cultures is a privilege extended mostly to diplomats around the world. I really believe my grandparents and my parents made the right choice in the matter -- even under extreme criticism.

I have known many MKs, relatives included, who were sent off to the boarding school so they wouldn't "lose their american culture". Well, they were brought up in the boarding school believing it was a Little America. Yet, when they went to the US, they found out that it was not a Little America. It was, in fact, an idealized, religous concept of America. So, they go to the USA and find out they have become "social misfits" in the American society, and when they return to the country they were brought up in, they also find out that they never learned the native language nor the native culture very well. They have difficulties fitting in with the US culture and they have difficulties fitting in with the native culture they lived in. This has shown me that one of the maind purposese of the boarding school concept has backfired.

By keeping me and my siblings with them on the field, our parents gave us a special kind of education. We learned more than one language, we learned to socialize with different cultures, we exposed our minds to different languages expanding our linguistic perception and capacity to learn new languages and to different phonetic sounds (or at least to comprehend them), and a host of many other things that many would have never thought possible in the kind of situation I lived in. In fact, most of what we MKs (homeschooled and boarding schooled) learn on the field can never, ever, be learned in a formal learning setting. I can see this in Kari's personal website.

Because my parents kept me and my siblings with them at the tribe, almost all of us continue in the ministry because of that. I continue in Brazil, because of that. I have married a Brazilian lady and have two children, socialize with Brazilians as my own people for I, too, am a Brazilian citizen. I can also socialize with the US culture freely. Ami I strange to many Americans? Yes, I am. But then again, what is normal in the US society today? I was in the US with my children recently, and I feel I was able to fit in very well. The US is no longer the same as it was just ten years ago. Keeping me with them at the tribal work, undergoing criticism and different levels of negative discrimination by many other NTM MKs, even from different fields worldwide and continuing on through all of this has made me even more resolved to continue with my responsibility towards my children.

Some people may point out that there are bad parents who are also abusive towards their children in a non-boarding school situation. I would like to point out that, there are various points that must be considered here.
1. Biblically, it is the parents responsibility to teach, educate, train, (whatever else) their children. It is more a matter of principle rather than who has done wrong in "either camp". The point I am trying to make is that God has set up a model for us to follow, and that model is the best system that exists.
2. Even abusive parents have attachments to their children they wouldn't have with children that are not of their blood. That would tend to reduce the amount of damage done by a parent.
3. The number of victims is lessened. The damage caused to children by their own parents in a regular school or homeschooling situation is drastically reduced because the number of victims is reduced. In a boarding school, the amount of children under the tutelage of a dorm parent situation is normally greater than that of a home situation. If one set of dorm parents acts abusively, then the number of victims grows astronomically.
4. Exceptions to the rule should not become the rule. There are certain times when there are exceptions to the rule such as tribal situations where children would be exposed to immoral or abusive situations. Yes, there are exceptions to rules. But, what I have noticed in most situations is that the exception (viz. sending your children to a boarding school), became the rule for two very wrong reasons.
a.Give our children the best education. This point shows pride behind the reasoning, and I believe this is the main reason why most missionaries and mission organizations keep boarding schools. The cost for this kind of pride, although, is the loss of a healthy and wonderful family relationship.
b.The massification of sending children to a boarding school, turning it into a non-mandatory, mandatory, (contradiction intentional) law which was never a law. I saw firsthand the pressures that my parents lived under in order to keep us with them at the tribe. Even though there was no written law within NTM for missionaries to send their children to the American boarding school, many seemed to think of it as some kind of "Common Law". Many just supposed that it was the best and the right way, therefore, no one should think differently.

I think if we look at first principles first, then go onto the consequences of taking either route, one can eliminate similar factors on either side. For example, many will say things such as, "Well, I knew someone who homeschooled and ....." then something negative will come along, or, "I know someone who went to a boarding school and ....." then something negative will come along. But I believe that this way of arguing leads to nowhere. What is it that God has so clearly given us that is so obvious that it should not be doubted? It is the first principle that God gave children to the parents and they are responsible for their upbringing that counts. Hiring third-party educators (dumping the responsibility onto others) is downright wrong in God's system.

One more point that I have always found interesting. Every MK that tried to convince me to go to a boarding school were living with their parents at the boarding school. No exceptions. I cannot remember ONE MK who was living away from his/her parents who tried to convince me that boarding school was best.

So, with first principles first and facts second one can come to some very clear conclusions.

εσται γαρ καιρος οτε της υγιαινουσης διδασκαλιας

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 9:40 am 

Joined: Mon Aug 30, 2010 5:18 pm
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I remember a study about socialization and home schooling that said that home schooled kids were erroneously labeled as social misfits.

This link seems to quote those studies.

Stough (1992),looking particularly at socialization, compared 30 home- schooling families and 32 conventionally schooling families, families with children 7-14 years of age. According to the findings, children who were schooled at home "gained the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed to function in society...at a rate similar to that of conventionally schooled children." The researcher found no difference in the self concept of children in the two groups. Stough maintains that "insofar as self concept is a reflector of socialization, it would appear that few home-schooled children are socially deprived, and that there may be sufficient evidence to indicate that some home- schooled children have a higher self concept than conventionally schooled children."

I was made aware of such studies even before this one by a friend while in the mission back in the 80's, I think. I wasn't looking for it and wasn't investigating home schooling. The information was out there.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 9:26 am 

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εσται γαρ καιρος οτε της υγιαινουσης διδασκαλιας

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 8:22 pm 
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:15 pm 

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εσται γαρ καιρος οτε της υγιαινουσης διδασκαλιας

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:28 pm 

Joined: Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:30 pm
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We praise the Lord that He led us to East Brazil to work for Him. It may have been the only country where NTM was working that allowed Home Schooling years ago..

The time came on the field when we had children ready to start school. The Lord showed us that we should teach them at home which we did. Since NTM had the ruling that a family could home school we were not made to put them in the boarding school. How we praise the Lord that we kept to our convictions. It wasn’t easy because of all the criticism. We were told that our children wouldn’t know how to communicate with others, they wouldn’t know how to compete with other children in their class when they went to the States, they wouldn’t be prepared for college, etc; etc. I felt if the children really knew their three r’s, “reading, writing, and arithmetic” as the saying went years ago, which should include phonics, grammar and math tables then the rest would be taken care of.

We were living in a tribe at the time. As mother and teacher I was also occupied a good part of the day in helping the Indians. We felt our part in the tribe was to do what we could to help our linguist be free to learn the language. He learned Portuguese in three to six months. It took him five years to analyze the language, find an alphabet, learn how to form the sentences and have some primers made. Today the Indians have the New Testament in their own language with potions of the Old Testament and now there are over 300 Indians who have trusted the Lord as their Savior.

At times we were without co-workers but we considered our children our co-workers. They learned responsibility and helped in so many ways that left us freer to minister to the Indians.

When we went on furlough to the US in 1967 three of our children went to public school. Our youngest had gone into the last half of the third grade. Another went into 7th grade and another into 8th grade. When report card time came around the teacher wrote on the third grader’s card that she could get along with folks anywhere. Our 7th and 8th graders were on the honor roll. When our 8th grader went to High School, the next year, in another city one of the teachers told us that he thought our son had been to a finishing school. He was also on the National Junior Honor Society. All five of our children graduated from High School by correspondence with the American School in Chicago.

How we praise the Lord that we kept to our convictions. Our five children are missionaries today and many of our grandchildren. It was worth standing up for what we knew God was asking us to do. Even though it wasn’t easy at times we learned to lean upon the Lord. We trust this will be an encouragement to those of you who are fearful of Home Schooling. The children need the love and discipline the parents can give them. The Lord is faithful to meet our needs as we trust in Him.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:46 am 

Joined: Sat Oct 02, 2010 10:00 pm
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I had every intention of never coming back, but I admit my curiosity got the better of me, and then I saw the distinct absence of a particular perspective on this thread. Couldn’t help myself…

I have a slightly different vantage point on the whole boarding school experience, but I think I’ve come to the same conclusion as many others. I was thrown to the wolves, so to speak, going into grade 6, but not in the dorm. I found that your peers in the boarding school love to make your life a living hell if you’re a) Not American; b) “the principal’s kid” – especially when your dad has never been anything but the principal and is also not American; and c) fresh blood – ie, you didn’t “grow up” in the country.

From day one, I was on the outside looking in. I was tormented and bullied all the time – or so it seemed. Any time I did try to speak up for myself, I was beaten down (metaphorically, of course. Good, wholesome mk’s would never even contemplate physical violence). It was only when I learned to shut up and roll over and take it up the a** with a smile on my face that I was given some twisted, pimpish form of acceptance. I had to sell my soul for an ounce of acceptance that was never real anyway.

Are boarding schools healthy? To me, absolutely not. Especially now, in the later stages of 2010, there are way too many other options that would be so much better than keeping a boarding school open and running.

I wanted to tell my side of “the story” just to emphasize that boarding schools are not a great idea for *anyone*, whether you are light years away from your family, or stuck on the fringe looking in, longing just to taste what it’s like to belong.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:16 am 

Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:09 am
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:44 am 

Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:06 am
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:26 pm 

Joined: Sun Sep 19, 2010 7:43 pm
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@ Sitting Duck: We were all in the same pond . . . though our stories differed.

@hereiam: So proud of you and the person you've become!!!

@ H-n-H: Never knew why hereiam wasn't invited to come back! Thanks for clueing me in. I agree with you that so many of the good memories are now tainted with the bad, and what seethed, and churned underneath the surface . . . . . .

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