Bemused, what a wonderful poem and expression of emotion! I LOVE poetry that is rooted in experiences. And I get it. It hits home. Poetry is what I wrote to get through the darkest hours when I did not think I would survive. . . when all I could think about was taking my life. The following poem that I wrote, is a reflection of my realization that religion was toxic and abusive for me and my family. The doctrines and teachings of the cult almost destroyed every relationship in our household and left me without the will to live. But, I recovered as you can see:) We no longer need to fear the Elephants in the room. They are cowards as you found out. When confronted, they run and hide.
Religion's Cell
I am free from the shackles of bondage That had me bound in Religion’s Cell, For God’s Truth came to the rescue And released me from Religious hell.
For me, there was a price to pay To be free from the shackles I wore. It meant leaving the Cell that confined Me To walk through Freedom’s Door.
The Truth didn’t have opinions, No doctrines, dogmas or creeds. It only came armed with Facts That I had only to believe,
The Truth revealed the tactics Religion used to lure me in And under the guise of Christianity Shackled this poor sinner within.
Its cells are decorated with lies Poor sinners are taught to believe, Based on doctrines of Man, Not Truth and Grace and Peace.
Control is the ultimate goal Religion seeks to attain To keep me bound in shackles, So Religion reaps the gain.
For once I yield to its lies I’m locked in Religion’s Cell To live my life in bondage, Serving in Religion’s Jail.
The Shackles Religion used Appeared to me as good, For I was told I would please God If I do thing things I should.
Attendance to every service Was one of the Shackles I wore, For if I wasn’t faithful God’s curses were in store.
Tithing to the church Was another Shackle I wore, For fear that God would hurt me, Bringing anguish in great store.
Fear was the ultimate shackle; It had a choke hold on my life, And when I’d break free of a shackle, Fear brought pain and strife.
Those bound in Religion’s Cells Are taught to ostracize Those who don’t believe Or question all the lies.
Religion’s Prisoners are ready To destroy those who break free, Leaving them scarred and wounded, Bleeding on their knees.
But God is good and Faithful To rescue those who see That Religion’s ways are evil And they truly can be Free.
Free to break the shackles That in bondage have them bound, Free to serve him in Truth Without Religion around.
I am free from the shackles That had me bound in Religion’s Cell, For God’s Truth came to the rescue And released me from Religious hell.
@NowAware: You nailed it. Tithing is one of the biggest scams of religion. It is not mentioned in the N.T. AND it only applied to the Jews. It never applied to the Gentile people. It was done away with under the New Covenant. So, it still does not apply today. I can get on my soapbox on this one because it robbed us of lots of money and kept us very poor.