I wanted to introduce myself to everyone. I have been wanting to introduce myself since I posted the article regarding NTM and Fanda on my blog. For those that have not read it, here is the link:
http://religionscell.wordpress.com/2013 ... -and-fanda. I am not a MK, nor have I ever been part of NTM. I am a religious abuse survivor that spent almost 20 years in a legalistic and abusive cult. The teachings and abuses mirror what many of you have experienced. The cult I came out of was an Independent Fundamental Baptist cult.
I am a mother of four, an author and, currently have a blog for victims of religious abuse to tell their stories of abuse. My blog is also a resource, in addition to my book, Religion’s Cell, of information that can be used in the deprogramming process. The articles written on this blog use history and scholarship to untwist the lies of the religious system used to subjugate and control women and children throughout history; as well as the masses. By exposing these lies and helping victims of religious abuse to rebuild new foundations, healing can begin. Most victims of Religious Abuse are silenced, shamed and shunned by their respective institutions. Many of the perpetrators of these abuses against the women and children have never been held accountable for their crimes. Many are still serving in churches across America and the world. This blog is dedicated to getting their voices heard in the hope that lawmakers will realize that sexualized violence, physical abuse, spiritual and emotional abuse against women and children in religious institutions is huge. Many churches today are hiding countless abusers while blaming and silencing victims. This enables these abusers, under the “cloak” of the “church,” to continue to abuse other women and children. It also enables the abusive institution to continue to emotionally and spiritually abuse and manipulate its followers. For some unknown reason, the “church” has never been held accountable for the abuses that are perpetrated in the “name of God”. It is time for victims of abuse within the church to be heard and their stories as well. It is time for the “church” to be held accountable for the numerous crimes that have been hidden and the lives that have been destroyed as a result of those crimes. For centuries, the church has used the Bible to subjugate and abuse women and strip them of equality, honor and dignity. This inequality has led to their abuse and sexual exploitation. My blog and my book are meant expose the history behind the church system and the lies of the religious system that lead to inequality, abuse, violence and bondage. My blog is a platform for victims to have their voices heard all in one place, no matter the denomination. The goal is to affect changes in law here in the U.S. that will (1) bring stiffer penalties to churches who hide abuse or harbor abusers, (2) get rid of statute of limitations laws that prevent sexual assault victims from prosecuting their rapists and (3) bring boarding schools and behavior modification facilities under local and state government over site so that abuses cannot be hidden. I would be honored if any of you survivors of NTM and/or Fanda would allow me to put your stories on my blog. It is only through the multitude of our voices that we can affect changes in law to protect future victims within the religious system. You can email me at
sct392@bellsouth.net if you are interested. Thank you for allowing me to introduce myself and my blog. // Cynthia McClaskey