No it wasn't my fault, but most of us MKs didn't have the guts to say "this is $@%% wrong" when we were kids. We stood by and watched as the bullying went on and it took a brave MK to do anything about it. Most of the MKs I grew up with probably turned out just like their parents, gutless wonders, for they sure aren't here fighting tooth and nail to end child abuse. Oh they'll have every excuse in the world why they don't want to get involved, and they will be the same reasons that they had for standing by and watching fellow MKs be abused, just now they are adults and have no valid excuse at all. And where are the real men, well very few are on this site. Bet at home they wear the pants, control the remote, drink the beer and spend most of their deluded lives thinking they are making a contribution to the world, because they managed to procreate. Whop de do boys, any clown can do that. A real man fights for what his conscience tells him is right, oh but that's the problem isn't it. After NTM has finished with you, there is no conscience left, because free thought got abdicated, sacrificed on the altar of a sadistic cult. Time to wakey wakey, child abuse might be coming to a place very close to you, because it is rife in fundamentalist churches and that is exactly where most of us naively expect it to be the last place to rear it's ugly head.