I don't have kids either and I'm certainly not a good Christian Saint, who attends Church regularly. So as I was at the bottom of the pecking order (being a foreign kid) at the boarding school I went to and got to put up with all sorts of crap, then I have two choices: 1) feel sorry for myself and stay in victim mode for the rest of my life. 2) wander off and just put the whole thing as being the luck of the draw, forgive and forget e.t.c. Right?
Well yes and no. There is a third choice and that is to follow ones conscience (or divine leading if one feels so inclined) and use what skills one has to make a difference. Now I'm not a particularly passionate person about most causes, for the simple reason I grew up with parents who were so passionate about their cause it was the only thing they knew (except running, which was a passion for my father too) and it was all they talked about. So it put me off being passionate about saving Whales, Cycleways, National Parks, Gay Rights and whatever "normal" humans get behind. I'm not articulate like Mrs Bemused or Bemused Senior, as I'm shy, but put a keyboard at the end of my fingers and wallagh, Bemused is in his element, he can type the hind leg off a donkey.
So for me the aim has been to remove the fence that far to many sit on. That's tribers and ex tribers who should not be sitting on the fence. Oh sure if you asked an individual if they supported child abuse, they are very unlikely to say "yes", but if you as them to get off their backside and do something about it, they probably just don't want to know, because "it has been all taken care of", whether that be by some executive committee or God Himself. By pushing the issue into the face of those who should be concerned, because they had direct involvement, it removes the option of just sitting on the fence pretending that they know nothing. If someone then still decides to do nothing, then they must wear the consequences of that decision. And the consequences are now that far more powerful people than just a ragtag bunch of MKs are looking seriously into this whole matter and asking serious questions. Look how much less support there is for NTM, both financially and with recruits. The world attitude has turned against child abuse committed by institutions and individuals. Look at what has happened to the Catholic Church, the Jimmy Saville saga and Penn State.
So why this issue. Simple, I was there and I knew it was wrong then and I know it is even more wrong now because there is so much more of it come to light. Abuse was happening all around me, we had a convicted criminal living in our house, that is how close it was. And I don't want it on my conscience that kids had the damaging childhoods like many of us did, because I didn't bother doing anything or just didn't care.
Therefore I write my little socks off. And to be honest, I actually enjoy it, because it comes with big rewards. Replies from the Powerful and Mighty are wonderful, but it is the nice little messages from total strangers that say "Bemused you made me laugh or I cried and let the pain out because I saw my journey in your poem" that make me feel that this is a worthwhile cause.
Share your passion for the end of child abuse, like your very existence depended on it, so that the children of tomorrow will never be where we are today because of the things that were swept under "the rug of righteousness" yesterday. And all are left in no doubt that you are truly a person who cares and therefore a wonderful human being.