[quote="NowAware"] I am having a hard time with people currently in ntm saying that ntm is improving. ..... When I hear an ntmer say we have heard of the abuse ... [quote]
How do people know that NTM is improving?
Because their leaders tell them so!
Why do NTMers say they have heard of the abuse?
Because they are convinced that their leaders have told them everything they need to know about the abuse.
They think they have already heard about it.
THEY HAVE NO IDEA. If they knew the things I know, they would be sick for days over the extent and scope of it all.
Ask them if they have read anything in the Forums section of this website. Most NTMers avoid this website like the plague.
Because their leaders have told them not to bother checking it out.
Their leaders have not told them that at one time we had a list of missionary child abusers on here that had 49 names on it (now removed).
Actually, I doubt that most of the leaders have read anything in the Forums section either. Even the section about their own field of service.
The head in the sand mentality is pervasive in New Tribes Mission. Since you are so courageously speaking out, NowAware, I would suggest that next time a mission member tells you they have heard about the abuse of children in their mission, look them straight in the eye and declare, "You have no idea. Trust me, you have no clue."