I thought Mr Right was a mythical creature that only existed in the imaginations of the truly hopeful. Mrs Bemused told me that, so it must be right.
I've never been "best man" or "groomsman" at a wedding and definitely haven't been a "bridesmaid"
Like the analogy.
Was thinking the other day, the character that I identified with the most in the Bible when I was a kid was the Prodigal Sons brother. All the Prodigal Sons wandered off and did their naughty things and then wandered back (usually just before graduation) and hey presto a big celebration would be thrown in their honour. Meanwhile I was just being a goody two shoes, just plodding along in my doubting but well behaved way, to scared to put a foot wrong for fear of inuring the wrath of the father figures.
It always seemed to me that the Prodigal's brother got a bit of a raw deal and I didn't blame him for being annoyed about the fatted calf being butchered.
Ooops. I'm way off topic, just rambling reflective thoughts today.