I don't even want to argue with you. You know, I am a good NTMer. I just let myself get walked all over, shut up, and deal with it.
Actually, I'd be glad to argue if I found something to disagree about. There are things I don't understand, mostly likely cause I haven't taken the time to really look into it. I hear you saying that the crimes should be reported. I totally agree. WHO CAN REPORT THE ABUSE? As in, can NTM's spokesperson or anyone in NTM go to the police station down the road and say "Mr Triber abused children in 1902 and we're here to report it?" I find it highly unlikely that I could go to the police station down the street and say "I read on the internet that there was abuse in an NTM school and I want to press charges." yeah, I'm an insider and I KNOW lots, but none of it happened to me personally or when I was personally present. Hard to believe, but true-- I have an incredible ability to make myself scarce when trouble's brewing. Which makes me wonder what in the world I am doing here? Can YOU go to the police station? Can any MK who has been abused go to the police station? Honest. I hear you, but I am quite confused about reporting abuse.
Which is not to say I'd be confused if I heard that there was abuse right here, right now. Or if I saw abuse. Or if my children were abused. I know that abusers belong behind bars and that the likelihood that they've changed since last week or 20 years ago is low. I also know people who have been addicted to horrible things and have come out of it by the grace of God.
Re-defining MKs has happened en masse. Have I be re-defined? Maybe by some people, but actually not by my parents who sent me to boarding school. The two are not always inseparable. Have I put my kids on a shelf while I do "ministry" and "reach the lost". At times, I am sad to say I have. I started that way, but no more. I've met amazing people who gave their kids priority, who took their responsibility to their family seriously. I hope I'm one of those people who changes the culture and norms in terms of kids now that my kids are on the older side and some people, few though they be, think my opinion matters.
So come out of your cave and finish this dialogue...