Moved by thread author from MKs and Their Exotic Ways July 4th
Bemused Yes! After long and careful deliberation I think NTM is a cult.
We have an organisation with a lot of members (many good well meaning folk), who are controlled by a few. It is the nature of the control that worries me and when it is traced back it begins on entering with the breaking down of freewill, under the guise of a religious calling.
The Child abuse problem is serious, yet it doesn't seem to be sinking in, which means that the average Triber is either seriously thick or cannot see that there is a serious problem. Obviously the former is not true, which leaves the later. So then the problem is the information about the gravity of the problem is being hidden from the average member and/or they have been told how to react, which is to carry on and hope it will all go away. Either way this is cult mentality and the later is wishful thinking.
Then throw into the equation the Crossview problem, where one group seems to be trying to deny it's connection with NTM and issuing threats to anyone who says otherwise. Also those who vocally claim that there was no child abuse is disturbing as is such statements that seem to justify the level of abuse because it is lower than some obscure average. The latter statement is offensive, because if one is a Kiwi MK the chances of being seriously abused in ones time as an MK in NTM is far higher than the national average. There should have been a zero rate of child abuse and any hint of such should have been sorted out so fast and thoroughly that all would have been left in no doubt that NTM really cared for the children in its care. Alas we have the oppposite, cover ups, evasion, blaming inadequate laws e.t.c. anything but making a genuine effort to achieve justice.
Yes it is in my mind a cult, the proof is all around me and all that is around me are broken lives, broken families and people who will do anything to stop the truth ever seeing the light of day. A genuine loving caring religious group would never have anything like the level of mess on it's conscience, but then has NTM ever had a conscience?