Maybe NTM has a borderline cult personality...I'm still reluctant to call it a full-blown cult, but I do see cult-like tendencies on many levels, which definitely should be raising some red flags and alarm bells. I don't think I mind others considering it a cult, I think I do understand that perspective as well. And it is true that for me, getting out of that culture freed me and changed me deeply and I now consider that culture to be highly toxic and unhealthy. I don't feel that comfortable getting close to NTMers at this point, which is sad because I feel like I've had to put a lot of distance there between people who were my friends, just for my own emotional health's sake.
I think what keeps me from considering it an outright cult is that I know some good people inside NTM who do not seem to be 100% brainwashed in the NTM culture and religion. I do not know why more of those good people are not speaking out or trying to make a difference, that is confusing. There are probably many reasons for that, not the least of which has been the lack of communication and transparency within NTM with their members, ie coverups. Members are made to feel as if HQ is taking care of things and they do not know the full scope of the issues. I know this has been mentioned many times here, nothing new, but it does continue to be such a mystery.
I do suspect, however, that the membership rolls are dropping...I don't have the numbers, but I believe NTM is losing its influence because of its unwillingness to deal with these issues and its unwillingness to change with the times. Other mission agencies are the ones who are growing and gaining influence.
Or it could be that people are just comfortable where they are at, with the ministry they want to have and just really don't want to rock the boat, even if they do see the problems. Who knows...I recently had a situation where people wanted to see only the good and became very blind to anything negative, even if looking at those negatives would have helped them grow and do better in the future. They so want to believe that what they did was important, impactful and good that they were very willing to dismiss and discredit anyone who brought up any negatives and just chalk it up as negativity and unhealthiness. NTM is not the only place where this happens, there just seems to be something out there that resists the truth and the honest evaluation of both good and bad. People just have a tendency towards not wanting to 'take a look' even if avoiding dealing with things will allow them to get much worse farther along. I think that an organization needs to be very, very intentional to be balanced in these areas or things will go very, very wrong down the road.
Ok, rambling Pamela E. Bennett always says, time for a full stop.