Still scares me to.
Funny thing, I was talking to a councilor yesterday, which is a rare occurence (No no, I'm not going nuts, it was a professional dilemma, for which I had no clear answer). The voice on the other end was male and from that big country situated between Mexico and Canada. Perhaps I've finally reached a bit of "normality" because it didn't make me flash back to the past. Here's hoping.
I remember arriving in Boot Camp Australia. It was hot, there were heaps of flies and some bizzare creatures in the gum trees. The Kookaburugh laughed incessantly. The staff kids spoke some strange made made up language, which they wouldn't divulge to lesser mortals. The missionary candidates spent considerable time beating each other up on the soccer field, which had an incredible slope on it and we went to the local school in jeeps, because the damn magpies were to vicious to walk. We lived in little shacks which had no internal walls that managed to connect with the ceiling and had no facilities whatsoever. Then there was the censorship raids and the whole knew religious language that made little sense.
It was so weird it would have been comical, except I knew that there was no going back to "normality", I was stuck.
Should have gone to Sweden too
