“When people have the choice to choose God, that’s their business. When people don’t have a choice, it’s our business.”
I am not a MK, so I often hesitate to post my thoughts here, but since the topic of hell was brought up, (which is “hot” on my mind right now
) I thought I would chime in.
I am grieved to have to admit that we actually used that NTM slogan on our display board when we were raising support! I now believe it’s a horrible idea with absolutely disastrous consequences. It breeds fear and guilt, which those in “spiritual authority” use to control and manipulate people into doing what they want. I believe that this idea, more than any other, is what is behind the MK/missionary abuse mess.
Unfortunately, I thought I had no choice to believe it, since that’s how the Bible had been presented to me from childhood. It took a somewhat traumatic end to our “service” with NTM and 3 years of thinking, questioning, and reading in the aftermath of our NTM debacle to come to a point of being able to reject that belief (and get gutsy enough to actually say so on the internet!). The Fanda Eagles and this forum have been a part of that journey. I thank you all for sharing your stories, thoughts, and emotions. You spurred me on. (I believe you have been and will be part of the journey of questioning beliefs for many others in NTM too! As we are painfully aware – it happens so SLOWLY! But it does happen. Don’t give up!)
I now believe that God has both the desire and the ability to save us ALL and that is exactly what he has done (Romans 5:18) and is doing (John 12:32). He is not limited by where or when we were born. He is not dependent on humans to accomplish his goal. The eternal destiny of our fellow humans does not rest on our shoulders. (I will explain more fully of the Resetting the Foundations thread.)
Can you imagine what kind of difference it would make if this was the kind of Good News that people were travelling around the world to spread? Versus “You are doomed to eternal conscious torment. All your ancestors are already being tormented. But God loves you so much that he sent me to tell you that YOU can be spared this fate - if you believe what I tell you to believe.” I’m not seeing the love there. Are you? I am so thankful to be free from that kind of thinking!