So here we are, all good Christian folk, caring for each other and seeking healing from this mess. Oops not quite right, mostly good Christian folk, there is the odd exception relating to faith, but lets pretend we are all on the same theological wavelength for a moment.
But what about those who aren't here? Sure some have lost their faith, their identity or just want to forget they ever heard of NTM. And that is fair enough.
So that leaves those who won't get involved, ignoring what others are going through or have been through. Take the field I ended up on, PNG. Big field, lots of MKs, very few here, why?
PNG was a strange field, it felt like the rejects of NTM ended up there and often ran the show. Policy was taken to extreme (remember the seperation issue, we seperated from everyone) and clicques and factions formed all with their loyalties. Oh the bitching and gossiping that was done in Gods name, while the paedophiles were at work, either unnoticed (not likely) or having a blind eye closed on them. So we all left PNG and turned into lovely Christian citizens, right? nope! Hard as it is to fathom, the same narrow minded groups still exist today and so MK won't help MK because they didn't get on when they were kids, which for most of us was decades ago. Holy Cow that is bad, but alas it is what is coming to light. When an abused MK reaches out to another MK for help and gets the reply, "you need to forgive and forget like I did and move on" it stinks and it certainly ain't Christ like in my book. But then scratching a little deeper, it's not really about "forgive and forget" it's really, "I don't want any more closet doors open, because I'm still being controled and have been told not to dig up the past". Many of us still have parents in or strongly supporting NTM, we have MKs we grew up with who are back on the field, so the choice is a call on old loyalties. And there on our shoulders are the same old NTM voices, just like a conscience saying "don't go into the past, let it go". And so blood is thicker than water and the counsel one seeks persuades one that forgiving and forgetting will make you a better Christian and you're walk with the Lord will be even more enriching e.t.c. They might even provide an incentive for you to think that way. And so when the call comes "please help me", the bolts go on the cupboard doors and you believe that it was all in the past and there is no more abuse taking place anyway.
But can you be really sure that there is no abuse going on in PNG or any other field today? Sanford is a long long way away, where the leaders are making policies. Just look who is on the field, that's right, the children of some of those old abusers and what sort of childhood did they have? One where they learned that they were above the law, just like mum and dad, or one where they were abused too, but never told anyone and are just repeating the cycle?
Is Bemused a prophet of doom or a realist based on what he has learnt? Are you still under the control of someone else and unwittingly going along with it because you want to be loved and accepted? Where is the Christian compassion that wants to help another MK?
Lets be blunt at this point. To those MKs who just can't be bothered or have some biblically based aversion to helping another MK, there could be a day when a closet is opened and you catch an Uncle you recognise with his pants down, then the light bulb goes on and you realise you need help. What then? Run headlong for Fanda Eagles and hope someone is there to care for you, let you cry on their shoulder or turn to the old loyalties who will say, "Forgive, forget and move on". All the best with either option.