Dear Jerry, I wasn't going to post anything on this thread, as my beliefs are pretty obscure and dubious or non existant.
But I've had that line since our connection with NTM began, with the added bonus "You are going to Hell". It's warped arrogance at it's best and probably closer to psycological manipulation in reality.
How can a parent, dormparent or teacher say "I love you and if you don't believe as I believe then God will get you and you will go to hell"? It makes the "I love you" totally hollow.
I really don't know if I was loved as a child. And I still don't know if I am as an adult. Oh yes, I have some people in my life who say they love me, but it comes with strings attached in the form of "and now this is what I want from you". And this is why I find it hard when I read a heart wrenching post to say "I feel for you", not because it is wrong to say that, but for me to say it to someone I don't really know takes me back to the insincere fake stuff of my past. This is in no way decrying others ability to empathise, it is my own failing based on my own insecurities. I just don't cope with emotion and feelings that well.
So at this point you're thinking, hang on Bemused, you say you're a nurse???? Yes, and a very good point. How did a nurse clock up 30 years of service and not be able to handle emotional outpourings of others. Hard to explain, but being in uniform does help, being ones job does help and finding the nearest kind female nurse while I empty the bedpan or attend to a technical matter works.
I learned as a child that anything could be used by those higher up the chain (and there was a definite pecking order) to exert unjustified influence on those lower down. It was insidious, it was a culture of fear and I doubt it was Christ like.
So I walked away, for it just wasn't me.
As for what Bemused believes, it doesn't really matter, it's what he does with his life that does.
P.s. for the record, Mrs Bemused and Canine Bemused do love me, the latter does have some dubious motives connected with the food supply however, but I can live with that
