I've done quite a bit of tramping over the years and for some reason seem to end up sharing the huts with Americans (Perhaps Someone is trying to teach me something

). I've found them to be really good company and have kept in contact long after the tramp was over.
Like 22 years ago points out, there are strange people in any group and there are also many good genuine people too.
My humble opinion is that it comes down to the way one sees others. If one sees others as purely existing to provide oneself with a better existance then one has a narrow of the world. If on the other hand one sees others as fellow travellers in life who by engaging with enrich both lives, then one is a better more balanced individual for it.
Bemused fellow traveler
Along this interesting MK path
Share the journey a while
Pause to have a laugh
For life is to short
To not pause to share a smile
And even nonsense
In poetic or cheeky style