I have come up with the registration fee!!! and I should know about the subsidy, grant, sponsor from MS Safety Net on the 15th of this month. I have sent in all my information so keep your fingers crossed

I did ask NTM but was turned down.
I am going to post some info about EMDR trauma therapy which is amazing stuff for those that suffer severe PTSD and inability to calm nerves and struggle with hypo arousal issues ( responses to other non-traumatic events that are due to this hyper or hypo arousal of the nervous system, which can happen as a result of a one time event or from ongoing chronic trauma ) This theory is part of my issues with the body shutting down. My brain has spent far too many years trying to self calm my nervous system and in doing so since I was never able to develop that behavior of the brain because of the trauma that it has literally just given up. So then the organs try to do overtime and so on and so on. ANYWAY can someone suggest where I can post this info on here so that those in need will have a better chance of seeing it??
I can't wait to see you RAZ!!! I will be the one carrying the Barbie!