Dear Fellow Fanda Eagles,
Last year we reached out to MKs who we had not heard from, with some good successes. We also reached out to the world with our stories and determination to see Justice, healing and to make sure that there is far less chance of this happening again.
And we seem to have done well on that score too. At the beginning of the year we were ticking over at somewhere between 1000 and 2000 views per day, now we are clocking just over 10,000. Not bad in anyones language. And there have been some postive responces to our e-mails and messages.
So where do we reach out to in 2013? Obviously still trying to find more MKs to ascertain their state of well being and to put the issue of child abuse in front of the world. But there is this year the opportunity for some of us to meet with each other in Chicago.
For some of us Chicago is where we live and for most of us it ain't and for a few of us it is a long long way away in a big (slightly scary) country. Which raises the issue of financing the trip. For those in good financial state, all is well and good. For some it might take a little creative thinking. Sponsorship is one avenue to explore and generally sponsors like two things: 1) Something for their investment and 2) to be thanked for their generosity. Of course all us MKs were brought up to be very polite, so that takes care of 2). Here's a couple of hastily thrown together ideas:
1) Politicians. If there is a vote or good publicity in it they can be persuaded to fund all sorts of things. Child abuse is topical at the moment and we are on the cutting edge of a major scandal, so worth consideraton.
2) The academic world. If you can speak publically and are good, what about the likes of Moody, Bob Jones e.t.c. would they be interested in your account for their students, in exchange for an airfare e.t.c.?
3) Sympathetic churches. Believe it or not some of them support missionaries, so why not missionary kids

4) The media world. Many of us have amazing, almost unbelieveable stories, they might be of interest to the right media outlet. And of course Oprah might even fly you in on her personal jet, to have a chat on her couch, after she has finished with Lance Armstrong.
5) Of course being picked up by the Downunder Short Bus is the last resort, seriously would you want to be on a long Short Bus trip with the likes of Bemused and all his baggage? And I'm probably one of the saner Downunderers

, you should see the rest.
o.k. food for thought, next bright idea.