To true. The closets of many missions are very big, they have to be, because of the number of people who are in them.
And who has the keys to these closets, the missions themselves. So they will be opening them up shortly and all will be revealed? That would be about the time Bemused wins Lotto, which could take a while as he doesn't buy tickets that often

So if the missions have the keys and they aren't going to open the closets, all is lost? No, no. There are other keys, sometimes we stumble on them, sometimes they appear in the strangest of circumstances, like the master key that the Australian Prime Minister served up last week (remember and we all wrote to congratulate her and point her in the direction of GRACE as GRACE asked us to do, agggh we did didn't we?)
On the positive side, look how far we have come, look how many closet doors we have collectively pried open. See how many MKs have gained a few footsteps forward on the road to healing through efforts of others. No time to rest on laurels of course, but a quick glance back is reassuring.