Meanwhile in Julia Gillards Office in Canberra Australia:
Julia: Get me Obama on the line, I'm being bombarded with messages from a group called Fanda Eagles.
Secretary: President Obama on line one Maam.
Julia: Barrack, who are these Fanda Eagles and why are they contacting me about this Inquiry of ours, for goodness sake most of them are your lot.
Obama: We the people of the United States are solemnly committed to peace and justice of the world. We strive to help the oppressed to realise that democracy is a tool of the people, for the people, by the people . . .
Julia: Just answer the question, who are Fanda Eagles?
Obama: My government strongly suggest you take notice of them, they have some outspoken people who are going to great lengths to make the world a better place.
Julia: Holy Cow, as powerful as that.
Obama: Yes!
At this point the conversation is classified Top Secret Level One and is encrypted so even Bemused cannot overhear it
But judging by the viewing hits on this site, I think we know who is taking notice