Aha ha. We have something in common. Apparently I am doing the Devils work, by being on this site

. This treasured gem comes from a source that sort of looks like me but is a generation older. What is interesting is said person has not internet, so how would he know, divine revelation perhaps???
So you see why I get so confused. On the one hand I am the Devils assistant doing evil work, by destroying the reputations of "good men" (these are the same men who raped, committed incest, destroyed evidence e.t.c.). Then on the other hand, I get lovely e-mails saying that I must have been sent by God to extend a helping hand.
The truth is really somewhere in the middle. An ordinary guy who knows what it is like, because he has been there too, who has derived enormous peace of mind from finding out that he was not alone or imagined the whole thing and just wants to help others on their journey. Of course I have a less compassionate side too, I don't like the fact that so many criminals (and sexual offences are criminal acts) are still wandering around free (or dead and remembered as saints) and I am actively trying to rectify the situation.
Glad to be of service, you've turned the corner the way is up and the light has gone green. Just wave as you roar past a middle aged guy on a bike with a dog on the back, it will be me plodding along (and I don't have horns sticking out of the bicycle helmet
