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MK forum • View topic - MK Safety Net Conference, April 2013

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 7:39 am 
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Joined: Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:04 pm
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You mean you didn't actually mean 'full of holes?" ???
I thought you did and was merely underscoring it.
Because I thought it a rather apt description......

I don't think anyone has ever been made mention of here for spelling.
And I wouldn't think we would be into that.

A misunderstanding.......

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 10:55 am 
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Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:14 am
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Perhaps there is a lesson from Kanine Leo.

I am a balding middle aged male who rides a bike, just like hundreds of others. No one takes a bit of notice. But when I have Leo on the back, everyone notices. Why?

Well a couple of reasons. Firstly the obvious, dogs don't generally ride around on bikes, so it is unusual. Secondly, he looks cute and he also looks very much like a dog we have in our ads constantly (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyNrt1nY7P8), so when we cycle together I hear "hey it's Wilson" (the dog in the ad clip). Thirdly, he seem to be enjoying what he is doing, it is his passion.

O.k. if you think that Bemused is going to bring his bike and Kanine Leo to Chicago, you've missed the point.

The point is, the media and public respond to certain images/info more than others. It's human nature. And what do we have? Children that were abused, yes we are all adults now, but once we were cute as buttons innocent kids. And who did this? Not cute as button kids, but sinister organisations that portrayed themselves as kind, benevolant and holey.
Now add in a challenge, like; "what would you do if this was your child, because this could happen to you?" Suddenly you have people thinking and when they think you have their attention and when you have their attention . . .

Oh and that picture as Bemused's Avatar. That was taken by a professional photogarpher, who saw Kanine Leo riding round the hills and asked for a photo session.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:19 pm 
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Bemused is impressed. Being the curious soul that he is, he thought he would see what the procedure for registering for said conference is. To his amazement it even had which country one was coming from, with options of every known country on the planet.

Or maybe they have a warning system, when one puts in Australia or that other Downunder Country, a warning light goes off and the CIA are alerted. Oops time for the little white paranoia tablets again :lol: .

Seriously though, full credit to whoever designed the registration system, it is easy to follow and is comprehensive.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:00 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:27 pm
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Good job, MK Safety Net!

Bemused, are you saying you're registered now?

If so, you are probably the first NTM MK on the list!

I am getting excited!

But first comes Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, my birthday, Valentines Day ... not to mention the long cold American winter!

But April is coming ... and I will be Chicago bound!!

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:41 pm 
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Bemused will have to save his Kiwi Pesos for the next wee while if he wants to get to Chicago :P . Alas all those lovely Tribers who I was hoping would contribute $1 each, have so far managed to collect exactly, ummmm not a bean :cry: .

But if I set out in the sea kayak in February and get a favourable wind . . .

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:58 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:13 pm
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If you start in Feb you should make it. When a kid in Mali a man came by with his kayak and his chimp they were going to length of the Niger river 2597 miles. He had already kayaked across the Atlantic.

Real hope you can fly in. :lol:

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:53 pm 
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Twelve Tips for Loyal Subjects of the Queen, who will be attending Conference:

1. The Head of State in Chicago and the surrounding provinces is not “The Queen”, but Mr. Obama, who is addressed as Mr President, not “Your Majesty” or “Your Royal Highness“. His wife is “the first lady”, not “Princess Michelle”.

2. Football is not the same as soccer or rugby. You only have several days at conference, trying to understand American Football in that space of time is impossible, don’t even try.

3. Pitching your tent on the hotel lawn is cute, but not advisable. Just work longer hours to pay for a proper room.

3a. You could offer to share a room with someone, to cut the cost. But seriously, unless there is someone else from Downunder, it is not fair to inflict your jetlagged, muddled time zone ramblings and wanderings on your kind hosts.

4. If you are from the Big Country Downunder and are invited to a have a meal with some of those from the host nation, there is no need to reciprocate with a “Barbie up in the hotel room, with an array of freshly BBQed Wombat, Kangaroo, Platypus Duck and Emu”. You will set off the fire alarms and probably be arrested for importing strange animals.

4a. If you are from the Small Country Downunder and dig a hole in the hotel lawn (next to your tent) insert hot stones and steam your food, calling it a Hangi, the gardener will probably not be impressed.

5. There is no ‘u’ in honor, favor e.t.c., get used to it, 300 million people spell this way.

6. Putting “Come In All, welcome” and abbreviating it to “C.I.A. welcome” on your hotel room door, will probably guarantee you visitors, but they won’t be Mks.

7. It is customary for members of the host nation to carry firearms. It is not advisable however to wear a 12 inch knife on your hip, even if you are dressed like Crocodile Dundee.

8. If you are male, please try and find at least one pair of long trousers to wear, your hosts know that you probably haven’t worn them since the day you graduated from High School, but wearing shorts all the time will raise a few eyebrows. Dressing like Crocodile Dundee will also raise a few eyebrows, but your hosts are fellow Mks and will no doubt offer therapy (they have therapists for everything).

8b. If you are female, your skirts don’t have to be one inch above the knee, but a mini skirt and boots might just be a bit much. Lycra cycling shorts are best in the gym, not a formal get together.

9. Adjust your watch to local time. Very few Mks will want to engage in games of soccer or see your pictures of home at 0300.

10. If you are invited to “shoot some hoops”, please don’t pull out a joint from your pocket and say “why not”. You are being invited to play basketball.

11. For Australian guests, it is customary to shake hands as a greeting. Whacking a host MK on the back so hard, and shouting “g’day mate”, that their dentures fly out and they have other medical emergencies, is not advisable.

11a. For New Zealanders, don’t copy the Australians as above. Just be polite as usual, your hosts may not initially be able to tell the difference between your two nations, but after a short period of time they will soon figure out there is a big difference between the two countries.

12. Enjoy the conference, if you have any questions, someone will happily answer them for you, when they figure out what on earth you are talking about with that funny accent.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:13 pm 
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:lol: :lol:

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:28 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:13 pm
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Location: Upstate NY US

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 3:36 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:27 pm
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I love those, Shary! Especially the last one! I'm chuckling already! (Yes, I am a true jungle MK!)

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