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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 11:50 am 
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Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:14 am
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If all goes to plan, one day Fanda Eagles will be retired, apart from reunions where we can celebrate our accomplishments and commiserate our losses. Been thinking about my retirement plan:

When all is done and dusted
Comes time to go our separate ways
We’ve celebrated mission accomplished
And found crime never pays

It will be a fond farewell
Till we meet in eternity
And I shall get on with life
Just being, well just being me

For there is a world to explore
And someone nice with whom to see
The burden of the past dealt with
And the opportunity to walk on free

And I can wake up every morning
Knowing I did my very best
On a journey that had twists and turns
Went in directions never guessed

To wander the lovely parts of this planet
Till arriving at the Pearly Gate
Old, wrinkled, but still quite sane
After a long and fruitful wait

And there I hope to hear God musing
“Your simple faiths gets you in
Despite your dodgey theology
A place up here you do win”

No fancy medal or reward
A simple eternal retirement plan
And on earth I hope they write my epitaph
“Here lies an honest man”

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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 12:01 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:27 pm
Posts: 5156
Oh, I DO love that, Bemused!

And when God says, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant!" the guy in the pith helmet is going to pipe up, "Who? Me?", smiling. And God is going to say, "No, not you, you goat! I mean him!"

Yes, eternity is going to be full of surprises!

All will finally be seen and known!

But between now and then ... yes! I look forward to the end of this long eagle flight. I hope I reach it with a few earthly years to spare, during which I can relax on my deck, gaze out on the lake, and enjoy my oblivious dementia.

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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 12:16 pm 
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Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:14 am
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Perhaps we could build a retirement home for MKs? Enjoy our dementia together :lol: I'd even wheel you down to the $500,000 chapel, so you could put in a good word for me upstairs.

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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 12:18 pm 

Joined: Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:01 am
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maybe we should ask for that nice retired center...just for us MKs

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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2012 1:18 pm 
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Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:14 am
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Now you're talking. Can just see me with my feet up, orange juice in hand, chatting to other MKs and boring them silly with my life story. Hear it is nice and warm in Florida, so won't have to worry about my arthritis being affected by the frosts. I'll bring my bike and Leo, so we can pedal through the Everglades on sunny afternoons.

I'll drop them a line shortly, sure they won't mind us all moving in :lol: .

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PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2012 4:55 pm 
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Some seek Devine Intervention
That is fine by me
Others wait for the Shining Knight
To set them free

I'll work with the Devine
The Shining Knight
White, black or yellow
Anyone who'll put matters right

And those who think
Outside the square
To call evil to account
Count me there

When all is done and dusted
The world is less some scum
I will give thanks for the diligent
And wonder at those who remained dumb

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PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2012 8:28 am 

Joined: Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:04 am
Posts: 254
Maybe we could name it the EAGLES NEST or the EAGLES REST

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:22 pm 
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I always wondered if I would regret the decision I made many years ago not to have children. The last 9 months have made me realise, that for me it was the right decision.

How could I ever explain to a child of mine what I have found out in the last 9 months. How could I explain to them that their grandparents joined an organisation that went to teach people about something that turned out to be so sullied by the actions of far to many, that for decades I was to embarrassed to admit what I was up to in my childhood? How would I explain to my child that day after day I looked a convicted paedophile in the eyes and did not realise it was a wolf in sheeps clothing, that he was doing unspeakable things to another child and that the organisation my childs grandparents served with such devotion covered it up? How would I explain to my child that I told adults about one paedophile and they did nothing, only to find out he molested little girl after little girl, then was shuffled to another country by the same organisation?
And how would I explain to my child that they can't see their grandparents because I don't turst them. I wouldn't trust my child to be alone with my own father! That is how bad this gets and I suspect I have not yet uncovered the bottom of this depravity, because I'm still going deeper and deeper, uncovering more and more and the bottom is still not in sight.

Being childless does afford some opportunities. I can speak out and I can speak out loudly with no fear of repercussions on my children. I have more time than most to do it and I can prove to the world that I care enough about their children and their children's children that I am not going to let this rest and another generation of victims fall to another generation of paedophiles.

Weep not for children that did not happen, weep not for me. Through the tears and frustrations of dealing with this, there has been the comfort of finding out I was not wrong all those decades and now with the evidence so plainly in view, this is my opportunity to do something good. It is a pleasure to work with other likeminded dedicated individuals. Individuals who probably wonder why on earth their good Lord would let a Sypathetic Agnostic help clean up an ungodly mess created by "godly" men. Perhaps He moves in mysterious ways, or perhaps He ran out of good Christians who were not to exhausted to do it? That I don't have an answer for.

May your children never go through what to many of us did, I am so glad that is one thing I will not have to fear.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 3:57 pm 
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Thank you, Bemused, for caring so deeply even without having children of your own.

It really does amaze me to think about the people who are involved in this site. Some of the most unlikely people have assembled and connected here.

It also amazes me to think about those who are NOT here. Every MK victim had a mother and a father. Where are they???

I will never, ever understand the silence from other parents.

If you don't comprehend how deeply your child was affected by the abuse they suffered as a child in the mission you -- and they -- trusted, shame on you.

If you see that you child is wounded and scarred, but think that there is nothing you can to to ease their pain, shame on you.

If you realize you could ease their pain, but you choose not to do so because you don't want to jeopardize your own financial security or your position in "the work", shame on you.

If you think the mission will do a fine job of cleaning this mess up without you stepping up to get involved, shame on you.

I believe all of us parents will answer to God some day for how we parented the vulnerable, innocent babies he entrusted into our care. We will answer for the whole picture. The entire scope. Not just for how well we did at potty training them, or teaching them to sing "Jesus Loves Me". But how we handled their needs as teenagers and even as adults. We do not stop being their parent. Even when many decades have past since their birth. I think how we parent for the rest of our lives till the day we die matters to God. And it matters to our children.

You are not "off the hook", mother or father of an abused MK. Not in my book. And not in God's.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 5:21 pm 
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Joined: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:06 am
Posts: 562
Yes, thank you bemused. We reared our children in a similar organizational style Christianity. No harm came to them of which I am thankful, not physically anyway. I believe I am more warped (for lack of a better word) than my children are. This whole sin saga with these organizations is mind boggling. I knew very little of any of this until last year we got an email from a lady in Queensland who said she knew who we were and knew we had been with ABWE and did we know......................Well, that is when our journey began. We started with the bangladeshmksspeak and then happened upon fandeagles and what a shock this was. I had heard rumors about the Jack Hyles camp but didn't know what the truth of the matter was. I am wondering about para church organizations. Seems they get to big for their britches (a saying my mum used a lot). Full stop.

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