@ mosquito bite
I'm flattered, but I am in NO sense of the word, a hero.
I have never been a member of NTM, only an NTM MK. Although its true that as an MK I did stand up for what I felt was right and what I felt NTM leadership was doing wrong, I certainly was not alone. In fact, one of the things that I look back on now as proof that NTM is systemically flawed and incurable in its mindsick disease is how in my years growing up as an MK, that the vast majority of MK's I grew up with actually saw how screwed up the leadership structure was and how the overall atmosphere was one of oppression and guilt mongering. A host of us tried, much to our dissmay, to make these issues known to leadership. The result? We got hammered even harder with labels of rebellion and sin. The leadership just added more controlling rules.
How is it that so many young adults could see the obvious, try whole heartedly and honestly to address these concearns to leadership, and they in turn treat us like we were of the devil. Somehow we were the problem. We were the reason their job was so tuff. We were almost, in the way, if you will, of them having a good day. Thats how it came across. It seemed like we couldn't wait to leave home(graduate high school), and they couldn't wait for us to leave too. Some of the MKs did get sent home early, over some of the most ridiculous reasons known to man. As one person on this blog put it, you can't make this stuff up.
This is messed up stuff. I often wonder now, how far away the mission was from taking that terminal step...the drinking cool aid, "Laced flavor" step. We may never know, but looking back, we were too close for comfort.
So I was only one voice in a chorus of already loud voices. That was decades ago. We were ignored and told to get back in line. Having ears they could not hear and having eyes, they could not see. Blind leading the blind...
It scares me to think how close we were to God growing up, and yet how very far away the mission was from true Godliness. I can't help but feel that a lot of us "escaped", but unfortunatly many did not. They are living with the emotional and mental and physical scars to this day. The currrent version of the Mission may have changed thier tune, but its still the same old dance moves...dogging the law and skirting responsibility, all the while stepping on the toes of the abused.
I am no longer proud of my heritage as an NTM MK. I loved being an MK and still do have many fond memories of that expereince, all leadership issues aside. Now,? the Mission disgusts me! I believe the Mission was at one time in its past a work of God even though I would take issue with some of its founding philosophies. Originally it was on mostly solid ground in its doctrine and practice, but it lost its way a long time ago and now good intentions of reaching the unreached are not enough. I know there are still good people in NTM, people I love dearly. I just wish they would all wake up, realize what the heck is going on and then get out and get on with Gods work another way. NTM is irrepairable. It needs to shut down.
An average and concearned citizen(and former inmate), Ironman