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 Post subject: Who Can Do What ?
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 1:17 pm 
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Joined: Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:01 am
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It has been suggested that Fanda eagles visit NTM Sanford on a mass protest. We are trying to gage the amount of support we may have in order to carry this through.

Give us your ideas. Can you provide people numbers? Can you support the cause by carrying another countries flag to represent the abuse/cover ups committed in that country? Can you donate Peso's,Kina, Dollars or your time?

Do you just want to provide support in whatever way you can?

Ideas welcome...........

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 Post subject: Re: Who Can Do What ?
PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:09 pm 
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Joined: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:06 am
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Like I have said before I have no dog in this fight except I am against what happened to these vulnerable children under the guise of "spreading the Word of God." I think this has a lot of potential. There are a lot of NTM loyalists and they need to see the light. If I were in the States I would join this protest if I had enough advanced warning. Full stop.

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 Post subject: Re: Who Can Do What ?
PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:50 pm 
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We have a not so lovely little dog that you could have. Alas last night he committed the unpardonable sin of trying to murder the neighbours rabbit.
I remembered my NTM past and thought "do I pretend it never happened" or do I tell the rabbit "it's your fault, you shouldn't have been in your cage safe and secure".
Then I thought about how the neighbours felt and thought "oh well, best do the right thing, so have apologised on behalf of my errant Terrier and invested in a peace offering of a box of chocolates.
I am happy to report that the rabbit is alive and well this morning, not showing any signs of distress, the neighbours are enjoying the box of chocolates and the space under the fence that only "Hounduni" could get through, is now no longer existant.

I'm not one to blow my own trumpet, but I think the matter was handled well and NTM could learn from my method of dealing with such :o .

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 Post subject: Re: Who Can Do What ?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:35 am 
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Yes, that is such a great real-life example of how to handle an uncomfortable situation quickly and honestly!

That is what I call true integrity, Bemused. And yet you would never make it through New Tribes' Boot Camp.

One of the pet phrases in the NTM of our day was "keep short accounts". It disgusts me to now know that the very leaders who pounded us on the head over and over with that mantra were not applying it to themselves or their buddies and relatives.

It now appears that what they were saying was, "Be quick to tell on yourself and your fellow students so I can shove some more legalistic lead down your throat and control you even more. But don't expect any true transparency from any of us. Ever."

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 Post subject: Re: Who Can Do What ?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:25 am 
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Oi, why wouldn't I make it through "boot camp"? A good upstanding citizen like myself.

I remember arriving in Australia to go to boot camp when I was 10. It was a hot dusty place, in the middle of no where. Took very little time to figure out that there was something wrong with NTM.
There were nice homes for the staff and these one room shacks for the students. There was no water, no toilets or showers. Just one area to eat/cook and two areas for sleeping. The walls didn't reach the ceiling, so there was no privacy. The single students lived in the male and female dorms. What struck me as odd, was the suprise raids that had to be endured. When the staff would look for non prescribed reading material and then parade it in front of the students. Even to a 10 year old this seemed bizzare and controling.

Just an update on Leo (the dog). He is expressing true repentance about his attempted murder of the neighbours rabbit. The last two nights he has slept under the bed, not on top of it and has been well behaved. I shall send Sanford a picture of him with a note about him being a true example of a "true repenter". Perhaps they could sponsor him to that Repentance Retreat.
However I suspect if said Rabbit was to cross the path of Leo again, I can't gaurantee that he would not yield unto temptation, but then again he is only human, I mean a dog.

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 Post subject: Re: Who Can Do What ?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:39 am 
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 Post subject: Re: Who Can Do What ?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:38 pm 
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On the question "Who can do what?".

For each of us I think it is important to figure out exactly what we want and then go from there. We are all different and have all had different experiences that shape our views.
No doubt some of us will be at one end of the spectrum and want the total shutdown of NTM and they who have perpetrated crimes punished. Those at the other end of the spectrum would be satisfied with an apology and some indication that abuse never happens again. Most of us sit somewhere between those two poles and probably even move daily, depending on external factors.

While it would be wonderful if we all agreed on the same goal and worked together as a team, that is a little unrealistic given our diversities. However we are on the same side, by the very nature of being on this web site and although we do have individual goals, there is also much in common, therefore creating a team like atmosphere. A victory for one of us, is a step in the right direction for us all. Ultimately we may not get what we exactly want, but if we help someone else achieve their aim so that they can move forward in their life, then we have accomplished something worthwhile.

It is not an easy road to tred at times and no doubt there are days when for some giving up seems a better option. But then look at the success ABWE has had recently. And now with the internet we journey not alone, but with like minded souls and that is much easier.

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 Post subject: Re: Who Can Do What ?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:45 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:27 pm
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Wise words.

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 Post subject: Re: Who Can Do What ?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:57 pm 
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Joined: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:06 am
Posts: 562

What a good example Leo and you have been to show proper behaviour. We have had a small neighbour problem here (a water flow issue) and it took us lots of man hours and $ but we fixed the problem the best we could, the next huge rains will tell the story. I wanted to lash out as it was around Christmas and while they were care free we were wearing gum boots up to our knees in red clay. Oh well, God helped us stay strong. Reminds me the other day in Sunday School I was telling about how strong Daniel was and my 5 year old grandson raised his hand and said, "Grandma, God didn't help me on the first day of school because I cried." We discussed that issue the rest of the class and I think he came to the conclusion at least he has settled in and really likes school now. Sorry to carry on but some time ago I asked him if he loved God. He took what seemed like minutes to answer me and said, "not yet." Anyway your story has resonated well. Full stop.

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