As the great man Winston Churchill once said to a young man, don't walk behind me, walk beside me, believe me the view of my behind is not enviable, just ask Leo (our Lakeland Terrier) who rides round on the back of my bike and gets ample opportunity to view the aforementioned piece of anatomy. Pity can't put a picture of him on the bike on here, it is quite a sight (one cute and clever dog).
The man from Snowy River was from Australia. Large flattish dry country with lots of flies, but no earthquakes. As for dodging boulders, there is a 7 ton one on our neighbours bed (well was our neighbour, we all moved in a hurry), which went through his roof and a 12 ton one sitting on my land waiting for the next shake to complete its journey.
Oh enough of my woes, Leo is itching for his cycle ride and its a ride in the forest today, so lots of trees to you know what on