The Independent Historical Abuse Response Team (IHART) has named its second investigative team. This team will investigate historic reports of child abuse at NTM’s school at Tambo, Bolivia.
Over the next few weeks the team will be receiving information and orientation, and meeting with each other. The team will begin contacting survivors the week of January 1, 2012.
The team members are:
Gregory K. Hannah: Retired postal inspector, with more than 32 years in federal law enforcement with the Postal Inspection Service. He has experience in investigating crimes such as homicides, armed robberies, assaults, theft and embezzlements and worker’s compensation fraud. He served on special assignment with the Office of Special Counsel – Waco, investigating government conduct surrounding the tragic events at the Davidian Compound in Waco, Texas. Greg also supervised The Inspection Service Emergency Response Team at Detroit for more than 15 years. He supervised teams of investigating inspectors for more than 20 years and served as the assistant inspector in charge at Detroit for the last two years. He has experience in criminal trials, affidavit preparation and review, evidence handling, conducting interviews and report writing. Mr. Hannah has been named lead investigator. He can be contacted at
Jeff Greenwood: Private investigator with 15 years experience locating missing persons, runaways and witnesses, and conducting in-depth interviews. He has extensive experience related to liability and workman’s compensation claims, including many claims exceeding $1 million, and has worked with nearly every major insurance company in the country as well as many Fortune 500 companies. Prior to becoming a private investigator he owned an unrelated business in Connecticut for 18 years that designed equipment for the automotive industry.
Kent Schoonover: Detective for the Hales Corners, Wisconsin, Police Department. He has been an officer since 1977 and has been the detective for Hales Corners for the past 14-plus years. When he investigates his focus is on the victim and what he can do for the victim. He has a reputation for being very through in his investigations.
A fourth investigator is expected to be assigned soon, and an additional release will be made when that takes place.
If you have any questions or reports in regard to Tambo or any other NTM-related schools please contact Pat Hendrix at