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PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 11:56 am 

Joined: Wed Sep 29, 2010 7:42 pm
Posts: 58
Can someone post the contact info for the group doing the Via inquest? I tried scrolling around in the topics, but it makes my stomach churn and my fingers chilly and shaky. I deleted their email this summer when they contacted me, but I guess that type of inaction is what keeps NTM festering the surface of this planet.

I can't even post this in the Via forum. The sight of it makes me want to vomit.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:40 pm 
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It was good to log on and see your name. So many who have made great contributions to this blog in the past have gone silent. I am sure everyone has their own personal and valid reasons for not posting, but I do miss the people who have left.

Your distress is heart-wrenching for me. Please know I care about your pain.

Here is contact information for Pat Hendrix, of IHART (Independent Historical Abuse Review Team):

"To make a report regarding an historic incident of child abuse, please contact Pat Hendrix, the coordinator of historical investigations:


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:46 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:27 pm
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XYZ, I don't know where you live or if you'd be interested, but some of us are planning to attend a conference in Chicago next April which is being organized by MK Safety Net. I am excited about gathering with other MKs who care about the issue of MK abuse. Maybe you might be interested in this, or know someone else who might like to attend.

Abuse sent many MKs and their families on an ‘Unexpected Journey’. This conference will address actions and steps to help us move toward reclaiming our lives and breaking the silence.

We invite you to come and join us to hear speakers ranging from professionals in trauma counseling, law, writers and MKs who are breaking the silence.

This conference is intended for former MKs (Missionary Kids) and their families and friends. All keynote speakers and breakout sessions will address abuse and trauma experienced by former MKs with a view to breaking the silence of abuse and offering resources to move toward healing.

Please be sure to return to this page often as we will be adding more conference details. A program listing speakers, topics and breakout sessions will be coming soon.

Don't forget to mark your calendar. This is an event you will not want to miss. We look forward to seeing you in Chicago, April 20 - 22, 2012!

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:53 pm 
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Joined: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:06 am
Posts: 562
Like I have said earlier, I have no dog in this fight but I want to see something good come out of this conference for all those who have suffered. My prayer is that NTM will completely close down and recognize their failures as an organization. They need to give all monies, assets, and anything else of value back to the churches and people who so willingly gave to them, but before that, they need to compensate all abused families. Yes, I realize it is not about money with the abused but it is about money for NTM so that should show all of us they are repentant of what they allowed happen and they are showing that by closing down and showing their sincerity by this compensation to the abused. I know of a mission agency, EBM, closing down because of financial mismanagement and the missionaries are still serving so lest that is the outcry for those who want it to stay open, God can keep missionaries on the field, He is much more than NTM was, is or ever will be. Full stop.

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