Ironman, it might be going too far to say NTM changed their leadership structure in order to avoid taking responsibility for abuses. I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and say I don't think their INTENTION was to avoid the American justice system.
However. The present result of this restructuring has truly been that NTM now has no single, centralized board which holds ultimate responsibility and accountability. Perhaps those who came up with the restructuring idea did not anticipate that their plan would result in the present alarming condition of New Tribes Mission. But alarming it truly is.
I notice that in all their announcements and press releases, NTM USA makes it a point to say "NTM USA". This excludes all the other branches, which include NTM Canada, NTM UK, NTM Germany, NTM Australia, NTM Brazil, and others.
Even within NTM USA there are committees which don't appear to be accountable to anyone in particular. They seem to have free reign to make decisions regarding individuals and their ministries, and these missionaries don't have much recourse if they are being selectively bullied or black-listed.
I am not aware of any current abuse of MKs (children) within NTM. I pray to God there is none going on presently, but in a group the size of that mission, you know statistics would tell you that some child somewhere is being molested and/or abused. God help them. If anything like this comes to light in the present, that is when NTM will be tested against their own high standards which they have set; their new policies as set forth in their new handbook designed to protect the children of their missionaries.
But I do know of contemporary examples of spiritual and emotional abuse which have been taking place on various fields within NTM. I do know of entire field committees that are inept at best and abusive at worst, which should be disbanded.
Back in our day, the imposing and intimidating Executive Committee had the power -- and used that power -- to dismantle entire field committees and replace them at will.
There were times when that power was misused, to be sure. But what is happening now, when there is no power? Each individual branch does what they choose, and they have not even all adopted the NTM USA standards and policies on MKs.
As a former insider who is now an outsider, this breakdown in structure and leadership is quite alarming to me.
I think something is broken.