At Via, we had chapel first thing every morning. Fridays, however, were special - to everyone else. Fridays were the day that we spent the whole morning singing, and not just any songs, songs that we got to pick! (There's a bunch of you who know where this is going right now... Please read through to the end before picking up your rocks - I'm more interested at this point in having you understand where I'm coming from) Every, every, EVERY Friday, some low-life smart ass would pick the American national anthem. Then someone else would pick another American patriotism song, and on and on it went. Fine, whatever. Except that pretty quickly, people started noticing that I wasn't particularly fond of this trend, and then smirks started. One of these songs would get picked and all the guys on my bench and behind (we were assigned seating by age/grade and gender) would look at me and smile those sick, disgusting, knowing smiles of smug satisfaction (I'm shaking right now...). Then we'd all stand up, one more time, and everyone would belt it out loud and proud.
Friday chapels meant one thing and one thing only to me. Every Friday I had the great privelege of having this message screamed in my face loud and clear: YOU ARE ALONE!!! I had my patriotism, too. I love being Canadian. I could go on and on about it, but that's not the point right now. I could also go on and on about how much I detest all things American. But that's not the point, either.
At this point, as the whole world knows from the thread about studying at Via in the '80's, one person - and ONLY one person - stood up for me. My dad, the person who happened to be the principal and also happened to be a very close family member. This is the only time anyone ever stood up for me in all of my seven years of hell that I can remember. Can anyone say "Conflict of Interest"!! I carried the stigma of that decision over my head all the rest of my days - and in some ways, still carry it.
I hate NTM to my very core, with every fibre of my being, for putting me in that situation. I will equate it to being the only American in a taliban camp right now.
What's in my interest, for me, without getting all noble? I hope that NTM falls from its lofty heights in a great ball of fire and rots in hell.