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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:24 pm 
I have followed these boards regularly since the beginning. At times I have wanted to post something but have wanted to listen more than anything. There is much I would like to say but have not felt that freedom. I also have followed the NTM updates and also have read and listened to many sources including many secular articles about abuse. I do not support any one side but want to know the truth and also pray for healing for the ones affected. True justice will never really happen in this life as is well stated in the grace report page 48 - "First, it is impossible to right the wrongs we found. To do so would necessitate going back in time and preventing the crimes and sins that are the legacy of Fanda. God has not granted us this power and thus our only recourse is to collect the broken pieces as we find them and to respond as best we can." - I recently read an article of an interview held with one of the lawyers that won the 60 million dollar lawsuite against the Catholic Church for abuse. I wish I had kept it or could direct people to it. To sum it up briefly; of the team of lawyers that participated in that case supposedly two committed suicide afterwards. The one being interviewed said he no longer could handle being a lawyer (maybe he did need to with the amount of he received from that lawsuite.) He said he was and is still emotionally damaged by what he heard and had to deal with during the lawsuite. He said the man's words about hiding his bloody underwear in the woods so his parents would not find out are burned into his mind and has caused him continual emotional grief. The article went on to say that some of this emotional trauma felt by the lawyers in abuse cases is what causes them to be relunctant to take on such cases. Whether this is all true or not I can only say that is what was written in the article. So basically to sum up my opinion is that those affected by abuse need lots of support and even then the scars will be carried with them through life. Only finding God's grace in their healing process will bring them through. I don't believe money, apologies, retribution will ever bring healing. God is the only one capable of bringing true healing and even a wound that is healed leaves a scar. I pray for all that have suffered abuse that God will become their healer.

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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:01 pm 
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Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:27 pm
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Thank you, Outside Insider, for speaking up. I have been wondering just how many people there are, who, like you, have been reading these forums but have never posted. My assumption is that there are others, and I always try to keep that in mind ... the fact that there are others reading, in addition to the few who post regularly.
As a mother of two MK abuse survivors I really resonate with what you say, and what you've read in the articles. No amount of money will ever take away the pain. Making someone else suffer financial ruin won't help my daughter sleep at night without medication. Hiring a lawyer won't stop pedophiles from lusting after children. There have been times when I've felt like I could strangle our perp with my bare hands until his very breath was gone, but I have known that this would not erase what he did to my daughters and to many other children I hold in my heart and prayers. There is no re-wind button. We can't make the violation of innocent children un-happen.
And so we struggle on ... the pain has become a part of who we are. My very theology had to be dismantled and re-shaped. The realization that a God of Love could watch a wolf in sheep's clothing violate the bodies of young children whose parents had given up everything to serve him and not do anything to stop him made all the stuff I underlined in my Bible and the many notes from Bible School lectures seem hollow, meaningless. It has taken years to re-build my faith and trust in my Heavenly Father. I don't think my trust in human beings will ever come back. Every adult seems like a potential sinner. Every acting-out person with haunted eyes looks like a probable abused child to me. My heart aches, and aches and aches with the anguish of life in this fallen world.
I cannot find it in me to try to tell survivors how to fix things. I know I don't have the answers, the magic formula. I want to keep an open heart, listening ears, and a non-judgmental spirit. I long for the day when all tears are wiped away. The day when the deepest griefs we've endured on this earth will just seem like a bad dream, and we have awakened on the other side, safe forever in the arms of love.

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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:44 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 9:27 pm 

Joined: Sat Oct 02, 2010 10:00 pm
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I have a question: For those who have suffered abuse, especially sexual abuse, would having a judge, someone with a lot of authority in our realm, putting their stamp, their validation on the crime bring some measure of relief for the victims? In other words, if a judge called it a crime and metted out a punishment for said crime, would that validation alone, regardless of the punishment handed out for the crime (ie, monetary vs. punitive), be enough to help in the healing process?

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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:36 pm 

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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:24 am 
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"We are all as different as snowflakes and yet, God knows each of us intimately."

And yet......and yet.......that's why we CAN'T LET GO OF HIM. He IS our only answer.
And prayer.
And doing whatever practical thing the Lord leads us to do.
And continuing to encourage one another. (We are NOT alone.)

Sherpa, are you up there on Everest somewhere?
There are robins down here. It's spring.
We are all as different as grains of sand on the BEACH......
....the stripes on a zebra or the spots on a giraffe......

OT's trip to Brazil has rejuvenated him. :D

Where is the balance between fighting the good fight and letting God fight for us?

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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:38 am 
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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 10:51 am 
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Joined: Thu Aug 26, 2010 10:27 pm
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Dear ones, we have grieved over what we have read on these “pages” over the past year and a half. What hurts worst is the fact that our names were once connected with the mission while all the perversions and injustices were on going! We are truly sorry of what each one has been through!

It has been difficult to follow all the different threads on this forum because of our location, internet access, time, etc… but this one “caught” our eye… The message that we would like to convey on this post is HOPE!

For the past 3-4 years in this area of the country where we live and work, there has been an ongoing spiritual awakening and revival that has brought 1000’s into the kingdom; where we have witnessed 100’s finding inner healing to wounds, hurts and pain that is hard for the human mind to describe or even imagine possible… Just like we have read about here.

It is true that no amount of money will ever take away the pain…But Jesus said: “…come unto ME.”

It is true that no punishment will undo what was done to our dear ones… But Jesus said: “…I came to heal those that need a doctor.

It is true that nothing can or will erase the memory of what perverts did to our children… But Jesus said: “…MY yoke is easy and my burden is light."

It is true that we have MANY valid choices… But Jesus said: “…COME…and you will find REST for your SOULS!

Of the two passages that we quoted above Matthew 9 and 11 it is obvious that our Lord in both instances is talking about healing for the soul. Matthew Henry’s comment on the Matt. 9 went like this: “Those who suppose their souls to be without disease will not welcome the spiritual Physician…” Jesus’ own words from Matt. 11 were: “…and you will find REST for your SOULS!”

Yes, there are many valid choices that are a part of the healing process, such as, a court of law, arbitration, etc. All of these will help bring settlement and closure to the pain and injustices one has suffered because of the torture, anguish, pain and distress. However, the hurts, wounds and traumas, sustained in life that are experienced in our souls, MUST be treated by Dr. Jesus, for COMPLETE, TOTAL and FINAL healing!

Prayers... And more Prayers!

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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:07 am 
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 Post subject: Re: You have a choice.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:06 am 
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I'm a little puzzled at the anger that comes out towards a legal remedy. I've been reading about not taking your brother to court...my mind is drilled to turn the other cheek. What happened to action and consequence? Here we are damaged and ugly - we are the consequence of so many actions. Isn't it time that the perpetrators paid the consequence?

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