This seems like as good a place as any to post this. These are some ideas that I came up with (and have already sent to NTM) in regards to boarding schools. (in no particular order)
- NTM should take effective measures to eliminate (or reduce to an absolute minimum) the need for boarding.
- NTM should not operate any schools exclusively. Where ever possible NTM should partner with other like-minded missions or organizations to operate schools or they should be operated by an independent organization.
- In the near term, any schools operated exclusively by NTM must have some outside people involved in the administration and oversight.
- All personnel (teachers, staff, and dorm parents) who are going to work at NTM (or any mission) schools must be specifically selected, screened and trained for those duties. If, in an emergency situation, someone else must be assigned to a school posotion for an interim period, it must never be against their wholehearted support. (In other words, no one should ever be forced to work in a school situation where they do not want to.)
- NTM, the children's education department, the field school, and field leadership should provide enthusiastic and effective support to families that chose alternative education choices for their own children.
- In all cases, all communications between children (boarding or not) and their parents must be considered strictly confidential, and should never be monitored by any school personnel.
- Every school should be evaluated on a regular basis (probably at least every two years) by an outside (not part of NTM) educator and counselor to assess the educational and emotional status of the students. These visits must be, to the maximum extent possible, unannounced to the schools.
- Schools should not be located in remote locations, and never completely isolated. If a school is located on a mission installation, there must be a substantial number of people there who are not involved directly in the school. Ideally, schools would be located near to a major population center. - All students must have the right to spend time away from the school in a non-school related setting. The staff must take the steps necessary to facilitate this. (Note: this is to be a _right_ and not a privilege.) - Schools (and all mission installations) must develop healthy and mutually beneficial ties with the surrounding community. This should reach far beyond evangelization. - In a boarding situation, siblings must be given regular, unsupervised, time together. In fact, I think that the entire system of age based dorms should be re-evaluated. I would propose a model of "shared parenting", where dorm parents would take in all the children of 3-5 families rather than all the children of a certain age range.
Feel free to add, subtract, or modify as you see fit. While I am a boarding school survivor, I've never had my children away from home, so others may have much better ideas on some of these points. (I'll cross reference this post in the "Are boarding schools healthy?" thread.)