I’m going to be away from my computer for several days, but I want to make a couple of comments before I leave. Again, I apologize for the long post.
Philosophical disclaimer: I am a recovering neo-fundamentalist. I have been digging out from under that crap for three decades. Neo-fundamentalism has its roots in the anti-intellectualism of the Great Awakenings. It was an attempt at doctrinal clarity that went crazy in a very sinister way in the 60’s- late 80’s and still exists in American “Christianity.” It was the worldview that set the stage for evil like that which took place in Fanda and Via and all over NTM. Neo-fundamentalism is, as many of you know from sad experience, characterized by well intentioned “Phariseeism,” power & control, mudslinging, hatefulness …attributes that are the opposite of true Christianity. Neo-fundamentalism, I believe, helped push the west away from biblical Christianity. “If that is what Christians are like, I want no part of it” was and is the response of too many people. Nothing scarier than well intentioned, powerful, but morally skewed people. My comments below contain a measure of optimism regarding NTM leaders. The optimism is not because they are now the “Ronald Reagans” of the new and improved NTM. I’m optimistic because I know without a doubt NTM US leaders have repudiated neo-fundamentalism as evil and destructive. The right foundations (justice, mercy and humility) are in place I believe. We fought and resisted, and finally defeated neo-fundamentalism as a world view in NTM, only to find its chickens coming home to roost right on our heads. And they are crapping all over us. Digging out of neo-fundamentalism has been a process, not an instant conversion. We are flawed, we are all on an excruciating journey, but God is breaking our hearts and changing us.
@ OT My post was not an act of bravery… like I was rising up against NTM leaders at great risk to myself. I have no doubt they would set their hands to what I have said.
I can never fully understand the depth of your pain, or that of your sister or your friends. I pray my words don’t add to that pain. You may be like a buzzing bee, but without bees doing their thing, our planet would be a wasteland. Don’t quit or give up. I think you and I agree on the nature and extent of the evil committed by evil men in NTM. I’m on the inside and as I grieve over the pain we have caused, I’m confident that true change was beginning to take root in NTM since 1998, when NTM members through a worldwide survey, sent a stinging rebuke to our leaders over what was essentially neo-fundamentalism. It was a baby step, but a step nonetheless. The GRACE report was major kick in the butt, pushing us toward truth. We have not arrived, but like I said, we have repudiated the worldview that allowed us to choose death over life.
@Gene I’m committed to hang in there with NTM for several reasons, and these are the main ones:
NTM must exist long enough to shine the bright light (OT: halogen with new Duracell ultra batteries) of truth on the sins of the past. If all of us walk away right now, who will do that? I’d rather be anywhere than in NTM right now, as would many of my peers. Wading through eyeball deep sin and gut wrenching hurt is not my favorite pastime. Being associated with child abusers is not something I dreamt of doing when I was a kid. My remaining years of ministry in NTM will likely be shadowed by the abuse of our MK’s, but if we continue moving toward truth, I’m willing to hang in there. I’m hopeful NTM’s US leaders are committed to doing what is right. I don’t think that way because they are leaders in NTM, but because I see them thinking clearly and walking in humility… things, sadly, we were not known for. @ Kari, OT and Gene, Thanks for your encouraging words.
@Kari: I’m not trying to plant an NTM 5th column on your blog. Tell me to cool it and I’ll shut up.