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MK forum • View topic - Scatterbrained talks about deniers of abuse

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 8:35 am 

Joined: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:18 pm
Posts: 53
My own family are child abuse deniers...makes me so sad that I can't turn over a new leaf with them now that I am fairly well..They believe it's my own fault for digging a hole for myself an almost ended up under a bridge...still makes me cry daily...Child abuse deniers are reason that...victims can't get proper help...if they admit you were abused the help could be possible but they would rather put you in a box and sail you down the river.....they may not want the financial loss...think so..I cry for all those that have been abused
What an oxymoron....Child abuse...missionary work.!! Recovery is all about creating a proper healing atmosphere. The brain needs this atmosphere to allow for proper recovery....believe it....the brain must be rested to buy the time for recovery...I learned this...religious people can be your enemy with religious psycobabbel....no grace ..no forgiveness ...no kindness ..no agape love...they call themselves Christians....the love of culture is the huge weakness in America....love of money...rampant....to be continued....

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 10:12 am 
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Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:27 pm
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You are so right, Scatterbrained, about child abuse deniers. I have encountered deniers on every level. Mission leaders, mission members, parents of MKs, and sometimes fellow MKs. The lack of support and validation is horrendous. Even the "investigators" of IHART, who act empathetic when they are listening to MK abuse survivors recount their trauma, turn out to be deniers in the end, when their report is produced.

Deniers of the child abuse that occurred over the past decades in NTM (now Ethnos360) refuse to deal with mistakes that were made and crimes that were committed. They rationalize and justify participating in the environments that caused great harm to young children. The rampant harsh, cruel use of extreme corporal punishment to control children is still defended. The boarding school model, which was forced on families who just wanted to serve the Lord, left children feeling abandoned and unvalued, and placed them within reach of sadistic and sometimes dangerous school staff. That boarding school model is still defended by Ethnos360, a defense which keeps the wounds suffered by MKs open and bleeding, because current mission leaders refuse to repudiate the inhumane treatment of vulnerable little ones. And don't even get me started on the ways in which MKs were manipulated and controlled by spiritual abuse. Boarding schools may no longer rip 6-year-olds from the arms of their mothers, and children in the mission may no longer be beaten black and blue by random adults who aren't even related to them, but the spiritual abuse continues to this day.

I am so sorry, Scatterbrained, that you have these deniers in your own family. This is a huge impediment to any who are trying to heal, trying to move forward. It sounds like you have made significant progress in your journey .... but your own family could have - SHOULD HAVE - been helping you along, not holding you back.

It's all so messed up. I weep for the children. I weep for those who were once children, but no longer are, who still lack the kind of support that should be offered unconditionally.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 4:21 am 

Joined: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:18 pm
Posts: 53
Raz.....that reply was priceless to me...!!..so few people seem to be participating in the healing
of child abuse victims...sad...I can hold up which is the biggest sign the victims have had much
healing. Hope to help soul mates heal...you don't have to be a shrink to do this. Guiding someone toward healing works.! I have experience...that is why I call myself Scatterbrained...Scatterbrains was a typing error and computers can be stuck this way.
I appreciate everyone on this site who have done such a great job.!!
My family won't read any of this...they are deniers.
A bird in the hand is better than a child abuse denier bird overhead.!!
Your spell check is better than mine

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 10:18 am 
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 12:42 pm 
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