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MK forum • View topic - WARNING! IHART's (NTM's) plans for the future!

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:21 am 
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Joined: Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:27 pm
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I feel sick to my stomach. If there was a way to call attention to this warning post with flashing lights and a blaring fog horn, I would do it.

I just read IHART's latest update.

I do not currently have time to retype it in full here, so it is imperative that you click here and read it for yourself:



If you (or someone you care about) have been a victim of sexual abuse or serious physical or emotional abuse perpetrated by a missionary (or missionaries) in New Tribes Mission, please, please, before you trust IHART to "investigate" this abuse, take the time to read some of the threads here in these Forums!

Learn what IHART is. It is a process of NTM! There is nothing "independent" about it!

Learn what has happened with other investigations IHART has handled! Read the reports, particularly from Panama and Bolivia, so you can get an idea of what the conclusion of such a report looks like:

No abusers named publicly. No specifics on what the consequences might be to the abusers. No way of verifying whether any consequences have actually been dealt out.

I cannot emphasize this enough. Educate yourself before you entrust your past, your emotions, and your heart to this group of people.

Danger! Danger! Danger!

I cannot bear to see anymore MK's re-abused by this farce that is nothing more than a very expensive effort to protect the mission and its assets.

Yes, I feel sick.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:31 am 
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The "best practices" of IHART come from CSPN, an intermission group co-founded by Scott Ross, who was then legal counsel for NTM.

If is vitally important for all victims of abuse in NTM to understand that IHART sets a very high standard for proving cases of abuse, particularly sexual abuse.

If there were no eye witnesses to corroborate your abuse or assault, often they will not confirm that it happened. This has been immensely hurtful to the victims who trusted IHART interviewers with their story.

I absolutely repudiate this sickening "best practice". It is inhumane and unchristian to do this to a sexual abuse or rape victim.

This appalling, unethical, heartless method of "investigation" will continue, if victim/survivors keep trusting this group to "investigate" their abuse.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:11 pm 
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My advice on this would be to alert all NTM MKs to completely refuse to cooperate with IHART in anyway, to tell your story publicly and to name your abusers. This forum is a good starting place for that.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 2:09 pm 
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In 2011, Theresa Sidebotham, Esq. co-authored this article, titled "Are Protestant Ministries a New Market? Lessons Learned from the Catholic Sexual Abuse Scandal".


Theresa Sidebotham, et al., have indeed found their new market!

It is New Tribes Mission.

Wake up, people!! Where is the money coming from to pay Theresa, Telios Law Firm, and other attorneys, investigators, etc?

This is money that was donated to reach the unreached with the Gospel.

Is this how donors hoped their contributions would be spent??

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 2:16 pm 
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Screenshot 2017-01-27 13.13.41.png [ 269.11 KiB | Viewed 16321 times ]

Screenshot 2017-01-27 13.13.50.png
Screenshot 2017-01-27 13.13.50.png [ 229.37 KiB | Viewed 16321 times ]

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:37 pm 
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NTM is a CULT, of course it is going to protect itself from whatever it perceives as something that will stop the $$ flowing in. Remember 42% of NTMs listed staff are serving in the States. It's a nice comfortable living for many, not a life of serving, so it has to be protected.
Victims found that NTM favored their abusers over themselves when they were abused, why would they change anything? Why would anyone in their right mind trust NTM now?

The law is the appropriate avenue for victims to go down, not some inhouse investigation. If NTM propogates the theory that the law is incapable of dealing with historic abuse, then ask why they are saying so. Also ask why NTM isn't letting victims know that abusers found to have committed offences in the States can be brought to trial and have all their offending admitted as evidence? As happened to ABWE's recent case.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 10:23 pm 
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Is Scott Ross no longer with NTM?

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 2:52 am 
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Someone told me he was retired. But I don't have that officially.

The Ross Group International appears to still be active. With Scott Ross as the lead investigator.

And a glowing recommendation from Scott's good friend Theresa Sidebotham, of the Telios Law Firm.


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 1:38 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:58 pm
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Scott Ross may be officially retired, but he is still involved in top level leadership from what I understand.

There is much that is alarming in Theresa Sidebotham's message, and one of the most alarming is that they will "prioritize investigating allegations of sexual abuse or serious physical or emotional harm". In their past investigations there was no sexual, physical or emotional harm serious enough to report the perpetrators to law enforcement, their local churches, and NTM financial enablers. And they are assuming the prerogative of deciding which abuse caused "harm" and which did not!

Somehow, we need to collectively and individually find ways to bring the spotlight to both IHart and NTM. There is so much important "noise" happening re. Trump that it's difficult to do..... but maybe not impossible!

I'm really sorry for the re-victimization this brings to your already sore and hurting places.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:58 pm 
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